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CFH Training Plan 10/08/2015 – 16/08/2015

Posted 9th August 2015 by Josh Schouten

Week 4 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats


Movement is a skill. What is a skill? A skill is a learned movement, produced by the motor cortex of the brain. Anything you learn in life is a skill such as: writing, eating, tying your shoe, running, jumping, throwing or lifting weights in the gym. Anything “athletic” is a skill and must be learned. This may surprise you (sarcasm), but nobody “instantly” becomes a master of a skill. Not only this, but the more complex the skill, the longer it takes to master it! We are typically not talking a matter of weeks when it comes to a skill, but a matter of years. Simply performing countless number of repetitions will not always deliver the desired result, as a skill is only mastered with mindful actions.

Lets take jumping for example.  Multiple research studies on vertical jumping ability will tell you that the major factor in how high a person can jump is actually more related to their technique than their power.  To optimally develop any movement, many thousands of “high quality” repetitions are required. Most people aspiring to jump higher fall far short of the number of “high quality” repetitions needed to perfect that skill, and instead start looking for other exercises to “fix themselves”.  In reality, they simply need more dedicated and mindful practice to jumping itself.

The best way to improve a skill (not just jumping) is to practice that skill consistently and with a high level of focus.  If someone hasn’t practiced at least several thousand jumps in their athletic career, they still have significant room to improve somewhere in the way their body propels itself off the ground. In the vast majority of cases, attempting to skip steps, or ignoring the need for strength and mobility, will eventually lead to unnecessary injuries. And nothing kills progress faster than having your training continually interupted due to impatience and the subsequent injuries that go along with it. Used wisely, time is the most potent of training supplements. So do yourself a favor, check your ego at the door and follow the progressions as written.

Olympic lifting in a very complex sport and the both the snatch and the clean and jerk take years to master.  There are many different exercises and drills that can be used to help teach Olympic Lifting, and each of these have their purpose.  The warm-up series of exercises in the current phase are designed to help everyone become more mindful of the technique and positions needed to perform the Olympic lifts.  To be honest, the warm-up series are the most important part of the entire class and not something to be raced through with little focus or awareness.

By now you should have noticed that the CrossFit Hackney programming follows a certain structure for an extended period of time.  The current 16week phase is designed to help our members improve their Olympic lifting skills, continue to make strength gainz (Russian squat programme), and practice body weight movements (Thursdays gymnastics and Sundays movement classes). All of us have our strengths and our weaknesses, and the only way to improve on your weaknesses is to face them head on and start practicing them mindfully.

In the short term it might be a little frustrating and humbling, but in the long term it will get you right where you want to go.


Article of the week:  Athletic Lab: If Sleep is Credit, We Are All In Debt by Houston Deck – How many hours of sleep have you charged to your bodies credit card? Don’t get caught in sleep debt.

Strength Sensei: 21 Reasons Why You Need A Good Magnesium Supplement – Magnesium is a co-factor in over 350 enzymatic reactions in the body. It is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, muscular activity, heart function, temperature regulation, detoxification reactions, formation of healthy bones and improving insulin sensitivity.

Mercola: New Studies Confirm Soda-Diabetes Link – Soda and other sweetened beverages have no redeeming nutritional value, and ditching them from your diet can go a long way toward improving your health. One 20-ounce bottle of cola contains the equivalent of about 16 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which will cause your insulin to spike within 20 minutes of drinking it.

Eric Cressey: 5 Reasons You Have Tight Hamstrings – Why are your hamstring tight?  Anterior pelvic tilt, neural tension, tight hamstrings, previous hamstring strain, Acute Hamstrings Strain or Tendinosis?

Catalyst Athletics: Getting Under The Split Jerk Properly – There are two kinds of people in the world: those who are good at the jerk, and those who are not. For the latter group, there are so many things that can go wrong or be misunderstood that it can be very daunting to correct the movement. One of the big problems is moving into the split posiiton properly.

CrossFit Hackney Levels Spreadsheet

CrossFit HackneyRussian Squat Programme

MONDAY 10/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Snatch Push Press, from behind the neck

Warm-up for the shoulders, elbows and wrists

+ 3 Overhead Squats, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Learning the correct receiving position 

+ 3 High Hang Snatch, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar 


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each OHS 

This is a 22min running clock, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

[5,4,3,2,1] High Hang Snatch* (3sec pause in bottom of each)

* Must perform from power position, do not take the bar down the thigh


PART B. Russian Squats: Week4: Day1 (15min to complete):

Performance & Sport:

Find 2RM Back Squat with a 31×0 TEMPO  (expect the result of this to be lower than your normal no pause squats)


Find 3RM Back Squat with 31×0 TEMPO


Find 5RM Back Squat wirth 31×0 TEMPO

PART C. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

5 Halting Snatch Deadlift (3sec pause @knee) @ 40-50% of 1RM Deadlift

“The halting snatch deadlift is primarily a tool to strengthen an athlete to allow him or her to be able to stay over the bar long enough during the pull of the snatch. It also helps reinforce position and balance earlier in the pull because it’s typically performed at a more controlled speed.”


PART D. For Reps, Complete 5 Rounds (10min) of:

:45sec – ME RKBS [P:32/24kg, S:24/20kg, F:20/16kg, M:Technique]

:15sec – Rest

:45sec – ME Burpee

:15sec – Rest

Post total reps to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: CV-Fitness/ Speed / Power – do not stop moving in the :45sec!  The goal is not to put the KB down and not to stop with the burpees.  Its going get spicy very quickly.  Enjoy!

TUESDAY 11/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Push-Press, from front

Teaching dip and drive, heels should lift off the ground

+ 3 Split-Jerk Form Behind Neck, 3sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching overhead position and stability in the split stance 

+ 3 Press Behind Neck in Split Position

Improves the position, balance and strength of the split

+ 3  Jerk Balance, 3sec pause in the bottom of each

 Teaching better balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg. Secure and stabilize the bar overhead before recovering from the split into a standing position with the bar still overhead.


15min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute. 

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5rounds) of:

+1 Split Jerk behind neck (5 sec hold in split position)

+2 Split Jerk Balance (from front) (5 sec hold in split position)

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the split stance for 5sec

“The jerk balance is useful for teaching and practicing the proper movement of the body under the bar during the split jerk for athletes who have a habit of diving the head and chest through and leaving the hips behind the bar. It’s also helpful for teaching better balance between the feet in the split position rather than overloading the front leg.  “

PART B. 8min EMOM of:

odd min: :30sec AMRAP Mixed Grip Chin-ups*/ 1rep Eccentric / Ring Rows

even min: :30sec Handstand Hold (facing wall)

* Change grip each set.


PART  C. “Four:One Mixed Tape” (14min running clock)

4min AMRAP:

15 Wall Balls

15 Ring Rows

-rest :60sec-

4min AMRAP:

15 Wall Balls

15 Down Ups

-rest :60sec-

4min AMRAP:

15 Wall Balls

30 DU

Post rounds and reps for each 4min AMRAP to whiteboard

WOD GOAL: Coordination / Agility / Speed / Stamina / Accuracy – Love a wall ball?   It’s a mixed taoe of 4min efforts that will all have there own salt and pepper.  Don’t go all out at the start in this one, save some energy for the the second and third 4mins of FUN!  

WEDNESDAY 12/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Rounds of:

3 Clean long pull, bar does not touch the body

 Reinforce the proper upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Pause Front Squat, 2sec pause in the bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position

+ 3 Clean Sots Press

Mobility and strength exercise for the receiving position of the clean

+ 3 High Hang Clean, 2sec pause in the bottom of each squat

Correct position and balance, speed under the bar


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A and  B.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the odd minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the even minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect, and you held the bottom of each squat

This is a 22min running clock, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 10min E2MOM (5 rounds) of:

[5,4,3,2,1] Clean from High Hang, (2sec pause in bottom of each)

* Must perform from power position, do not take the bar down the thigh

-then 2min rest, set the weight-

PART B. Russian Squats: Week4: Day3 (15min to complete):

All Athletes:

Warm-up Back  Squat weight to 65% 1RM


Breathing Back Squats 1 x 20reps

At the top of each repetition athletes must stop and take 3 deep breaths before performing the next repetition.  You are not allowed to rack the bar.

PART C. 8min E2MOM  (4 rounds) of:

6 Tempo/ Pause Barbell RDL*, 32×0

*Recommend you use straps to hold the bar for this long @ 55-65% of 1RM Deadlift


PART D. Partner Tag

3 rounds each of:

Run 400m

5 Hang Squat Cleans (full) @ 70% 1RM Clean

All athletes start outside. P1 runs 400m and then tags P2.  P2 will start their 400m run while P1 completes 5 Hang Squat Cleans.  As soon as P1 finishes they move outside and wait for P2 to complete their run.  Continue to switch rolls until both athletes have completed 3 rounds.

WOD GOAL: Strength/Power/Speed/Agility/Balance/Accuracy – Find a strategy and stick to a plan.  Its going to be a test of your fitness levels, grip, communication and team work.

THURSDAY 13/08/2015


Wrist Strength / Mobility:

10reps of each:

1. Finger Pulses

2. Palm Pulses

3. Side-to-Side Palm Rotations

4. Font Facing Elbow rotation

5. Side-to-Side Wrist Stretch

6. Rear Facing Wrist Stretch Palms Down

7. Read Facing Wrist Stretch Palms Up

8. Rear Facing Elbow Rotations

9. Forward Facing Wrist Stretch

Plank Hold Variations

Keep elbows fully rotated in all movements. :30sec work, :30sec rest

1. FLR (leaning shoulders over fingers)

2. Reverse Grip FLR (fingers facing back)

3. FLR + Single leg mountain Climber (keep the hips down) – :30sec right leg and then :30sec left leg

Posterior Chain Flexibility

Spend some time stretching the hamstrings to help improve L-Sit, Assisted Inverted Press, and the V-up’s positions


30min to complete:

3 Rounds of (12min):

[6-10] Ring Pull-ups /Jumping pull-ups 3sec eccentric / Partner Assisted Ring Pull-ups

[8-10] Ring Row Sit Backs (neutral grip twisting to supinated grip)

[3-5] L-sit/Tuck 5sec holds on P-bars


3 Rounds of:  (12min):

:30-45sec Ring Lockout Support

[8-12] Assisted Inverted Press on p-bar, pike position, or single leg

[10-12] Battleram Push-ups on Dip Stations or / Plank Fwd and Back



For Quality:

20,15,10,5 reps of:

Hollow Rocks

Ring Roll-outs

Alt Back Extensions on Floor*

Alt Back Extension: lying face down, lift your right leg and your left arm off the floor as high as possible.  When you return your limbs to the floor you lift the left leg and the right arm off the floor as high as possible.

WOD GOAL:  Strength / Stamina – this WOD is for quality and not for time.  Work on quality repetitions and feel you midline burn

FRIDAY 14/08/2015


Warm-up Series (10min):

3 Snatch Long Pull , bar does not touch the body

Reinforce the correct upper body mechanics of the turnover

+ 3 Snatch Push Press, from behind the neck

Warm-up for the shoulders, elbows and wrists

+ 3 Overhead Squats, 2sec pause in bottom of each

Teaching the correct receiving position 

+ 3 Snatch Sots Press

 Helps improve snatch receiving position mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders


25min to complete:

Working in pairs for part A, B and C.  Partner 1 performs repetitions on the even minute and partner 2 performs repetitions on the odd minute.

Technique dictates the weight: Only increase weight if technique is perfect.

This is a 22min running, you must change the weights and set-up for each part quickly.

PART A. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of:

3 Snatch Push-press, behind neck

+1  TEMPO Overhead Squat, 80×0  (8sec eccentric) [Scale: Elevate heels and perform OHS to a comfortable depth, stretch hips/calves between sets]

-2min to set before part B-

PART B. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of:

3 Snatch @ 60% of 1RM Snatch [Scale: Hang Snatch from below the knee / High Hang Snatch] 

-2min to set before part C-

PART C. 6min E2MOM (3 rounds) of: 

2 Snatch Segment pull* (1″off floor, knee, hip, finish with BIG SHRUG at the top and relaxed arms)

+ 1 Snatch shrug (snatch pull form the floor + BIG SHRUG with relaxed arms)

@45-65% of 1RM Deadlift

*pause 3sec at each point, + finish the pull with heels down


4 rounds for time of:

5 Thrusters [P&S:50/35kg, F: 40/30kg, M:Technique]

10 V-ups [Scale: Double Crunch, Sit-up]

20 Split Jumps

Post time taken to Whiteboard

WOD GOAL:  Strength/ Stamina / Coordination / Agility / Speed / Power – The legs are going to be heay after the split jumps and you might want to take your time getting back to the thruster bar, not to mention the V-ups!

SATURDAY 15/08/2015


20 Russian Baby Makers

10 ea leg x Crab position + internal / external hip rotation

10 x 90/90 switch (scale hands on the floor)

10 x 90/90 + hip pop (open the hips)

10 x Pigeon walks

10 x Squat w/ internal rotation

10 ea leg x Squat w/ increased internal rotation (take the knee to the opposite heel)


15min to complete:

PART A. Russian Squats: Week4: Day6

Performance & Sport:

2RM Front Squat 31×0


3RM Front Squat 31×0


5RM Front Squat 31×0

PART B. 8min EMOM of: 

3 Box Jumps for height

*Increase height with each set


For calories and reps (16min):

In teams of 4 (each starting on a seperate station)

Station 1: 2:00 ME Row for Calories

1:00 Unbroken FLR*

1:00 Rest

Station 2: 2:00 ME AKBS [P&S: 24/16kg, F:20/12kg, M: Technique]

1:00 Unbroken FLR*

1:00 Rest

Station 3: 2:00 ME Double-Unders [Scale: 3:1 ratio single skips]

1:00 Unbroken FLR*

1:00 Rest

Station 4: 2:00 ME Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9ft [Scale hight and weight as needed]

1:00 Unbroken FLR*

1:00 Rest

* If you fail to hold the FLR for the full :60sec you must perform 10 Burpess in the minute of rest!

Post each interval time to the whiteboard

WOD GOAL:   Stamina / Endurance / CV-Fitness / Accuracy / Power / Coordination – love this one!  The first 2min of each station is going to get your heart rate and breathing elevated.   Then you need to stabalise and hold a tight Front Leaninf Rest (FLR) for the full minute.

SUNDAY Momentum Movement 16/08/2015


Wrist mobility and Strength

4-Way Wrist stretch

– fingers forward, to the side, back, back of hands

3 Rounds of:

Wrist push-ups (fist to back of hand)

level 1: Wall Wrist Walks on wall

level 2: Wall Wrist Walks with 45* Hollow lean agains the wall

level 3: Kneeling Wrist Walks

level 4: Wrist Walks

3 Rounds of:

First Knuckle Push-ups  (knucle to palm)

level 1: First Knuckle Push-ups on wall

level 2: First Knuckle Push-ups with 45* Hollow lean agains the wall

level 3: Kneeling First Knuckle Push-ups

level 4: First Knuckle Push-ups

Test: Seated with legs crossed with stick overhead (think overhead squat position)

Banded Shoulder flexibility:

– Faceing away from rig overhead stretch

– Banded straight arm lateral raises

– Banded Tricep stretch

– Banded bully stretch

– Banded Lat stretch

Seated with legs crossed pronated grip reverse raises (how close can you get your grip)



The aim is to work on your alignment for the handstand.  You need to be able to complete the reuired sets and times before you can progress to the next level:

Level 1: Head Stand (3 x :60sec hold)

Level 2: Elbow Stand  (3 x :60sec hold)

Level 3:  Front Line Body Drill with weighted bar  (5 x :30sec hold)

Level 4: Back Line Bodt Drill with weighted (5 x :30sec hold)

Between each set perform:

[10-12] Pronated shoulder dislocates with stick

[10-12] Supinated shoulder dislocates with stick

Remember that mobility is not a maximal strength endeavor, but one of slow and steady progress. Do not be concerned if your range of motion is limited. As you train this over one or more programming blocks, your body will naturally adapt.



[8-12] P-Bar Push-up One Arm Extension – Rotation

[8-12] Dip Tuck Swings – crab pos for dips

[3-5] L-sit 3-5sec (holds)


[3-5] Jump to inverted to Rolling Tuck Chin

[3-5] Inverted Tuck to Back Leaver (if strong enough complete full german hang)

[:30-45] Ring Support hold