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CFH TRAINING PLAN 5/09/16 – 11/09/16 WEEK 3

Posted 4th September 2016 by Geoff Stewart

weight plates

 We are heading into week 3 of our adaption phase of training. Hopefully you have spent and are spending some time at the bottom of the squat position and things are loosening up and you can spend more time down there without feeling like you’ve been run over by a rhino or Anthony. Within our training plan we repeat our major lifts week in week out, yes we do change reps, sets, tempo and rest periods but like a lot of training, it’s about consistency. Consistency, and in many case simplicity, in all things training, eating, sleeping and playing (yes that does include drinking – there has been some interesting research done on the effects of alcohol on fat burning and performance). Stay the course.

The aim for this week is that magic word consistency – each movement should be smooth and strong with a challenging weight. Similar to last week, we aren’t looking to fail any reps, but to be solid and powerful. There are a number of workouts where we are asking you to go UB (unbroken). Your coach will give you some suggestions and ideas, listen and have a go and see how it feels. Our B and C exercises should be challenging and get you breathing hard. Our breathing days should also be hard. Look at your pacing. If rowing or biking check your numbers: how consistent are you from start to finish? Can you hold a conversation as soon as you have finished? If you can you ain’t working hard enough. On a perceived effort scale you need to be around 7-8….. that isn’t easy.


Train With Multi-Joint Movements

There is a reason that the biggest guys and leanest girls in the gym hang out in the squat rack.

Exercises that train more than one muscle are the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to getting results. There is also excellent research showing the body’s physiological response of increased testosterone and human growth hormone response to multi-joint, compound movements. The reason we put this in the programme is to remind you to prioritize these movements, follow a progression and always make sure these make up the bulk of your training.


Start adding in additional squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and chin-ups to build more muscle mass.
