Terms and Conditions


Membership fees and categories

(a) Membership fees shall be fixed by My Momentum Limited (MML) and may be altered at any time. Members will be notified (by notices posted on gym notice boards or in writing via email or via MML’s membership system) of any changes in the fees prior to the date of the alteration.

(b) On payment of membership fees, a member is entitled to use the gym facilities, subject to class timetable, with frequency of use relating to the membership type.

(c) The first membership subscription shall be due and payable upon entering into this agreement, followed by subsequent monthly payments.

(d) MML reserves the right to reject an application for membership, or refuse admission, without ascribing any reason.

(e) MML reserves the right to introduce, withdraw and vary categories of membership at any time.

Membership cancellations and freezes

(a) If you are on a 12 or 6 month contract; you may not cancel your membership within your initial 12 or 6 month commitment period respectively, without incurring a break fee of 50% of the remaining membership payments due under your commitment period. After your initial 12 or 6 month commitment period, you may give us written notice of your wish to cancel at any time, requests received before or on the 17th of a calendar month can be processed at the end of that given month (or the end of whichever subsequent month you wish to cancel). Requests received after the 17th of the month will not be processed by the end of that month and will be processed at the end of the following month or the end of whichever subsequent month you wish to cancel. MML is not liable to refund any monies should the receipt of cancellation not be received in accordance with this clause and will not refund membership fees for memberships cancelled part way through a month.

(b) If you are on a month by month contract, you may give us written notice of your wish to cancel at any time, requests received before or on the 17th of a calendar month will be processed at the end of that given month, those received after the 17th of the month will be processed at the end of the following month. MML is not liable to refund any monies should the receipt of cancellation not be received in accordance with this clause.

(c) MML does not offer membership freezes.

Use of Sessions

(a) Unused sessions are non refundable and cannot be carried over to the following month.

(b) 12 hour’s notice is required for can­cel­la­tion of a sin­gle ses­sion. Missed ses­sions with­out the appro­pri­ate notice will be charged as if attended. Morning classes must be cancelled before 10pm the night before, or they will be charged as if attended.

Use of the Facilities

(a) Membership entitles you to use MML’s facilities (subject to these terms and conditions, the class timetable from time to time and the frequency of use relating to your membership type) providing always that MML may at any time (and if necessary, without notice) withdraw all or part of its facilities for any period or periods in connection with any cleaning, repair, alteration, maintenance or security work or for reasons beyond the control of MML, including but not limited to work carried out by TFL on MML’s premises.

(b) MML reserves the right to refuse admission and/or to expel or suspend your membership forthwith if, in the opinion of MML, you cause nuisance or annoyance to other members or guests; and for any misuse of MML facilities, or for any other reason which MML may deem appropriate.

Release of MML

(a) You understand that exercise programs provided by or at the premises of MML may be strenuous, agree that you participate voluntarily and accept all responsibility for any resulting injury (including death) or mishaps that may affect your well-being or health in any way. You agree to assume all risk and responsibility arising from participation in physical activities. You affirm that you are in good physical condition, are capable of participating in the physical activities and do not suffer from any disability that would prevent or limit participation in physical activities. You acknowledge that participation will be physically and mentally challenging, and agree that it is your responsibility to seek competent medical advice regarding any concerns or questions concerning your ability to take part in MML physical activities.

(b) You, on your own behalf and that of your heirs, assigns and next of kin, waive any and all claims, demands, causes of action or any claims for relief whatsoever against, and release MML (as well as its owners, employees, or other authorized agents, including independent contractors) from any and all liability, claims and/or causes of action (other than liability which may arise from negligence of MML) that you, your heirs, assigns and next of kin may have for injuries or other damages of any kind, including but not limited to punitive damages, arising out of participation in MML activities, including but not limited to personal training/nutritional programs/supplemental recommendations and programs/classes undertaken at MML premises.

(c) If you suffer an accident on MML premises, you must report the accident, and the circumstances under which it occurred, to a staff member immediately.

(d) MML does not accept liability for any damage or loss of your money, valuables or other personal property. MML reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to refuse to store any such personal property. Personal property stored in lockers provided by MML is stored at your own risk and no liability for the loss or damage thereto will be accepted by MML.

Data Protection

MML abides by European Union data protection principles contained in the General Data Protection Regulation. Please see Peter the Privacy Policy for further information.

Change of terms and conditions

MML may revise these terms and conditions at any time. Any change will be effective once reflected in the text of these terms and published on our site.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction of the Courts

This agreement shall be governed by and construed with English Law and the parties agree to submit any disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.


Images taken at the gym / Studio

Images taken of you within the gym space.

We use any images taken within the gym for marketing purposes only and will not use fro any other purpose. We will only hold imagery under your consent.