
Barbell Club – August

Jenna Fisher | 02-08-2021
Since the gym re-opened we have worked through training cycles for muscle endurance and hypertrophy. Over the last six weeks, we started to touch on strength repetition ranges but with the focus on manipulating the tempos to provide a new stimulus and expose the body to a wide range of accessory exercises. Now that the preparatory work is done, the... [Read more]

G.P.P training program 2nd – 8th Aug

Josh Schouten | 01-08-2021
  Moving on to our next block of training we are going to focus on percentages of the max out Oly lifts from last week. We will continue this week with the testing on the back squat, deadlift and bench press. Your coach will help you decide which repetition maximum (RM) to choose. Testing these is important to get a... [Read more]