
#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 19/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 19-01-2014
Warm-up 3 Rounds of: 5 Hand Walkouts + Push-ups :30sec hold Elbow to Instep (each side) 5 V Ups 10 DU Strength CrossFit Athlete / CrossFit A. Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x 2-3reps 10,0,x,0 Rst :90sec [Scale: Elevate bar on weight plates. Must maintain flat back in the bottom position] CrossFit Endurance A. DE: 1rep EMOM CrossFit Rookie A. 4 x... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 18/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 18-01-2014
Warm-up 3 Rounds of: 10 Hand walk outs with Press-up 1 Head stand hold for :30sec Then: Wall walk Tekkers Gymnastics 15 minutes to complete Athlete who can do kipping pull-ups correctly 4 rounds of ME: Kipping/Butterfly pull-ups Rest :90sec CHALLENGE: Can you hold a lacrosse ball under your chin while doing the reps? Athletes still learning to kip 'Kipping... [Read more]

Under the Momentum Spotlight: January

Josh Schouten | 17-01-2014
Momentum Spotlight: Helen Dwyer 1. How long have you been training with Momentum? Since end of May 2013 (just after the box opened) 2. What is something not many people know about you? I was related to Belinda Carlisle (ooo baby do you know what that's worth, ooo heaven is a place on earth.... (Questionable 80s girlie pop). 3. Whats... [Read more]

New London CrossFit League: Box Battles

Josh Schouten
The London Box Battles proudly supported by inov-8 The London Box Battles CrossFit league has arrived due to popular demand.  It's time to find out which London-based CrossFit box has the best all-round athletes.   The London Box Battles will be a grass roots competition that brings the London CrossFit community together. Box Battles will be an all inclusive competition designed... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 16/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 16-01-2014
Warm-up 6-8 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups [Scale: use bands] 10 Hand Release Push-ups [Scale: Incline push-up] 15 Air Squats 6-8 Kipping C2B Pull-ups [Scale use band, no kipping] 15 Squat Jumps 6 C2B Kipping Pull-ups with 3sec pause at the top [Scale: with band, no kipping] 15 Air Squats Strength 20minutes to complete CrossFit Athlete A. Standing BB Military... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 15/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 15-01-2014
Warm-up Not for time, 3 Rounds of: 15 KB Swings 10 KB Goblet Squats 5 Back Squats (increase weight slightly each round) Strength CrossFit Athlete A-1 Front Squat 5x 5-6reps 30x0 @75-80% Rst:90 A-2 Back Squat 5x 6-7reps 30x0 @70-76% Rst :90 CrossFit A-1 5x5-6 @75-80% A-2 5x6-8 @65-73% CrossFit Endurance A.5x3 on :60 @75% B. 5x5 on :90 @70%... [Read more]

Foam Rolling…. Love it or leave it?

Josh Schouten | 14-01-2014
Over many years of working as a Massage Therapist, I’m always interested to hear how people use a foam roller. Many of my clients comment “I always roll out after exercise,” and yet their muscles are often tight and full of knots. How did you learn how to use a foam roller? Did you just pick it up one day... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 14/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Warm-up 2 Rounds of: 10 Shoulder Passthroughs with Stick 10 Air Squats 10 OHS Tempo 5050 (check form and scale A. as appropriate] Strength All Athlete A. Squat Snatch 1 from hang, +1 from floor @65-70% 1RM 10set of 2reps On the :90sec [Scale: If you can not overhead squat, perform power snatch and then an OHS to best depth... [Read more]

Goal Setting: Recognise the small things

Josh Schouten | 13-01-2014
As we all know, the start of a New Year prompts a lot of people into thinking up resolutions. Although “get a new job” or “save more money” are popular, January is a great month for taking a good look at your life, getting fit and setting goals! Here at Momentum Training, we think goals are pretty important. They help... [Read more]