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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 16/01/2014 #withmomentum

Posted 16th January 2014 by Josh Schouten


6-8 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups [Scale: use bands]
10 Hand Release Push-ups [Scale: Incline push-up]
15 Air Squats
6-8 Kipping C2B Pull-ups [Scale use band, no kipping]
15 Squat Jumps
6 C2B Kipping Pull-ups with 3sec pause at the top [Scale: with band, no kipping]
15 Air Squats


20minutes to complete
CrossFit Athlete
A. Standing BB Military Press 5x 5-7 40×0 rst:90
B. Mixed Grip Pull-ups 5x 5-7 40×0 rst:90 (switch grip on each set)

A. 4x 7-9
B. 4x 7-9 [Scale: Mixed grip ring rows]

CrossFit Endurance
A. DE: 3reps EMOM for 8minutes
B. DE: 2reps EMOM for 8 minutes

CrossFit Rookie
A. 4x 8-10 [Scale: DB]
B. 4x 7-9 [Scale: Mixed grip ring rows]


15minutes to complete
5 rounds of :20sec work and :40sec rest (Total:12minutes)

CrossFit Athlete
MAX rep output. Count your total repetitions for 5 rounds of:
C-1 Push-Press 55/35kg
C-2 Ball Slams

CrossFit / CrossFit Endurance
C-1 45/25kg
C-3 [Scale: TT-Rings. K2E, or reverse crunch]

CrossFit Rookie
C-1 [Scale: comfortable weight, DB]
C-2 ..
C-3 [Scale: K2E, Reverse Crunch]


10 min AMRAP:
5 C2B Pull ups
10 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Squat Jumps

[Scale: C2B->Pull-ups->Ring Rows]
[Scale:HRPU->Press-ups->Incline Press-ups]

* Care of Tom