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CrossFit Programme May 27th – 2nd June

Posted 26th May 2024 by Anthony Waller




Week 8  – Deload 


Massive start to the week, as we pay homage and remember those that serve everyday to protect us around the world.

This week we recoup and regain a little energy before the final stretch of the programme. With new PBs and glory awaiting your arrival just a few weeks from now, take moment to refocus and prepare for the last leg of the journey.

Results are never certain. We may not succeed but you do have to try, because the failure to act that is a certainty. Those few seconds sticks to us like a scarlet letter, I was afraid is not an accident that ages well. 


Monday – Press + Dips 

Tuesday – Pulls + HSPU + Clean & Jerk 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics 

Friday – Front Squat + Snatch 

Saturday – Deadlift + Bench + Pull Ups

Sunday – Sunday Service


Monday – Bank Holiday 




1 Mile Run w/ Weighted Vest

Pull Ups x 100

Push Ups x 200

Air Squats x 300

1 Mile Run w/ Weighted Vest




A1. Floating Snatch Grip Deadlift x 10 @ 50%

A2. Single Leg / Split Leg RDL x 10-12 e.s

A3. Eccentric Handstands x 3 (w/tempo 3-5 sec) + Kipping HSPU x 3-5


B. Clean & Jerk ~ E2MOM x  5 Rounds


Power Clean + Squat Clean & Jerk x (1+1)


Today’s Workout: 


Dual DB Devils Cluster x 8 @ 17.5/12.5kg 

Cals x 7/11 

Toes – Bar x 8 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 


Cash In – Cals x 30/50 Each 


Deadlift x 6 @ 120/80kg 

HSPU x 8 

Pull Ups x 10 


Cash Out – Cals x 30/50 Each 


WOD 2 


Cash In – x 5 Rounds : Power Cleans x 6 @ 70/45kg 


AKBS x 12 

Wall Balls x 12 

Box Jumps x 6 


Cash Out – x 5 Rounds : Power Cleans x 6 @ 70/45kg 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A1. Front Squat x 10 @ 50%

A2. Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 e.s

A3. Seated Dual DB Balboas x 10


B. Snatch ~ E2MOM x  5 Rounds


Power Snatch + Snatch x (1+1)


Today’s Workout:


Cash In – Run x 600m 


Alt DB Snatch x 12 Total @ 22.5/15kg 

Burpee x 6 

Cals x 9/12 


Cash Out – Run x 600m 




A1. Deadlift x 10 @ 50%

A2. Bench Press x 10 @ 50%

A3. Pull Ups / Weighted Chin Ups x 5-10 (Use Bands if Needed)


Today’s Workout:


Waller Special


Sunday – Service 


E2MO2M build weight

3x deadlifts

1x power clean

1x front squat

3x push jerk.

28min workout
12min AMRAP
48x DU
12x Thrusters
24x T2B
rest 2mins
8min AMRAP
24x DU
6x Thrusters
12x T2B
rest 2mins
4min AMRAP
12x DU
3x Thrusters rx 30/45
6x T2B