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CrossFit Programme June 10th – 16th

Posted 9th June 2024 by Anthony Waller




Week 10    

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

See you at work.


Monday – Press + Dips 

Tuesday – Pulls + HSPU + Clean & Jerk 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Front Squat + Snatch 

Saturday – Deadlift + Bench + Pull Ups

Sunday – Sunday Service




A1. Strict Press x 5-4-3-2 ~ ( 75-80-85-95%+)

A2. Dual KB Gorilla Row x 16 Total


B1. Dips x 10 (Use Bands if Needed)

B2. Poliquin Lateral Raise x 10-12 e.s

B3. EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 10-12


Today’s Workout: 


Rounds // Time ~ Coaches Choice


Double Unders x 30 

Alt DB Devils Press x 6 Total @ 22.5/15kg 




A1. Snatch Grip Deadlift x 5-4-3-2 ~ ( 75-80-85-95%+)

A2. Single Leg / Split Leg RDL x 10-12 e.s

A3. Eccentric Handstands x 5 (w/tempo 3-5 sec) + Kipping HSPU x 5+


B. Clean & Jerk ~ E2MOM x  5 Rounds


Squat Clean & Jerk x 2


Today’s Workout: 


Rounds // Time ~ Coaches Choice


Deadlift x 3 @ 140/90kg 

Burpee x 5 

Chest – Bar Pull Up x 7 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 ~ Rounds // Time ~ Coaches Choice




Dual DB Hang Power Clean & Press x 9 @ 17.5/12.5kg 

Dual DB Box Step Ups x 6 Total 

Dual DB Thrusters x 9 




Cardio x 300m 


WOD 2 ~ Rounds // Time ~ Coaches Choice




Power Snatch x 7 @ 50/35kg 

OH Squats x 7 




Cals x 15/20 


WOD 3 ~ Rounds // Time ~ Coaches Choice


Toes – Bar x 7 

D-Ball o/ Shoulder x 5 

Wall Walks x 3 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A1. Front Squat x 5-4-3-2 ~ ( 75-80-85-95%+)

A2. Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 e.s

A3. Seated Dual DB Balboas x 10


B. Snatch ~ E2MOM x  5 Rounds


Squat Snatch x 2


Today’s Workout:


For Time


Cals x 50 

Hand Release Push Ups x 50 

Cals x 50 

HSPU x 50 




A1. Deadlift x 5-4-3-2 ~ ( 75-80-85-95%+)

A2. Bench Press x 5-4-3-2 ~ ( 75-80-85-95%+)

A3. Pull Ups / Weighted Chin Ups x 5-10 (Use Bands if Needed)


Today’s Workout:


Rolling Clock 


Part A.


Squat Cleans x 12-9-6 @ 60/45kg 

Cals x 12-9-6 


Part B.


Power Clean x 15-12-9 @ 50/35kg 

HSPU x 15-12-9 


Part C.


Thrusters x 21-15-9 @ 42.5/30kg 

Pull Ups x 21-15-9 


Sunday – Service 

3x rounds

15x left arm KB/DB snatches @24/17.5

15x right arm KB/DB snatches @24/17.5

15 Pull-ups


400mtr run / 24/32Kcals bike

12x back squats/squat cleans @ 100/60 or 75/50

400mtr run / 24/32Kcals bike

9x squats / squat cleans @ 100/60 or 75/50

400mtr run / 24/32Kcals bike

6x squats / squat cleans @ 100/60 or 75/50

400mtr run / 24/32Kcals bike

3x squats / squat cleans @ 100/60 or 75/50

3 rounds

100 singles under

30/45 sec handstand hold

50 DU

20 T2B