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CrossFit Programme June 17th – 23rd

Posted 16th June 2024 by Anthony Waller



“If you take time to realize what your dream is and what you really want in life — no matter what it is, whether it’s sports or in other fields — you have to realize that there is always work to do, and you want to be the hardest working person in whatever you do, and you put yourself in a position to be successful. And you have to have a passion about what you do.”

“Be Humble. Be Hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.”

See you at work.


Monday – Press + Dips 

Tuesday – Pulls + HSPU + Clean & Jerk 

Wednesday – Deadlift + Bench + Pull Ups & Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Front Squat + Snatch 

Saturday – Scores on the Board WOD 

Sunday – Sunday Service




A. Strict Press – 1 Rep Max


B. Dips x 1-5 Rep Max


C1. Poliquin Lateral Raise x 10-12 e.s

C2. EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 10-12


Today’s Workout: 


Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


Cals x 12/17 

Clusters x 6-7-8-9-10 @ 50/35kg 




A1. Snatch Grip Deadlift x 1 – Build to a Sensible Max weight

A2. Strict / Kipping Handstands x Max Effort Reps


B. Clean & Jerk ~ E2MOM x  5 Rounds


Squat Clean & Jerk x 1 Rep Max


Today’s Workout: 


Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


Power Clean & Jerk x 7 @ 60/42.5kg 

Pull Ups x 7 

HSPU x 3-9-18-9-3 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 


Time Cap ~ Coaches Choice


Deadlift – 1 RM 

Bench Press – 1 RM 

Strict Pull Ups x Max Reps / Weighted Chin Ups x 1-3 RM


WOD 2 


Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


Cals x 9/11 

Alt DB Snatch x 8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Total @ 22.5/15kg 


WOD 3 


Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


Front Squats x 15 @ 60/42.5kg 

Sit Ups x 25 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A. Front Squat – 1 Rep Max


B. Snatch ~ E2MOM x  5 Rounds


Squat Snatch x 1 Rep Max


Today’s Workout:


Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


Power Snatch x 5 @ 50/35kg 

Toes – Bar x 5 




Scores On The Board Workout 


Part A – Partner Y.G.I.G – Fastest Way 


Cals x 40 Each 

Burpees x 40 Each 

Ground – Overhead x Max Effort Time Remaining [ Blocks of x 2 ] @ 75/55kg 


Rest – x – mins 


Part B. 


Cash In – Run 600m ~ Together 


Deadlift x 6 @ 120/80kg 

Box Jumps x 6 @ 30/24” 

Chest-Bar Pull Ups x 16-12-8-4-2 


Cash Out – Run 600m ~ Together 


Sunday – Service 

2x rounds

800m run or row/ski 1000mtr or bike 60kcals

20x Burpees

rnd 1 20x power cleans rx60/45

rnd 2 20x Push Press rx60/45

5 Rounds for time of:

50x Double-unders

12x  Handstand Push-ups, strict

1x Rope Climb, 15 ft.

20x hanging toe box drags -see Geoff

20x bicep curls