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CrossFit Programme June 24th – 30th

Posted 23rd June 2024 by Anthony Waller


The Reshuffle 


“The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit.”

See you at work.


Monday – Front Squat + Snatch 

Tuesday – Bench Press + Pull Ups + Dips 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Back Squat + HSPU + Clean & Jerks 

Saturday – Press + Deadlift 

Sunday – Sunday Service




A. Front Squat x 6 w/ Tempo 30X1


B1. Dual DB Split Squats x 10 e.s

B1. Single Leg Calf Raises x 20 e.s


C. Snatch ~ Hang Power + Power + OHS x (2+2+2)


Today’s Workout: 


Time Cap – Coaches Choice


Wall Balls x 100 

Power Cleans x Max Effort in Time Remaining @ 60/45kg 




A1. Bench Press x 6 w/ Tempo 30X1

A2. Chin Ups x 3-6 w/ Tempo 30X1


B1. Dips x 6 w/ Tempo 30X1

B2. Seated Dual DB Hammer Curls x 12 Total (Moving at the Same Time)


Today’s Workout: 


Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice




Dual DB Deadlift x 8 @ 17.5/12.5kg 

Dual DB Hang Power Clean & Press x 8 

Dual DB OH Lunges x 8 Total 




Box Jumps x 5 @ 30/24” 

Pull Ups x 10 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 – Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


Double Unders x 30 

Burpees x 9 

Squat Cleans x 6 @ 70/50kg 


WOD 2 – Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


Cals x 9/11 

Toes – Bar x 9 

Hang Power Snatch x 9 @ 42.5/25kg 


WOD 3 – Rounds & Time ~ Coaches Choice 


KBS x 21 @ 32/24kg 

Wall Walks x 6 

Run x 400m // Cals x 12/18 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A1. Back Squat x 6 w/ Tempo 30X1

A2. HSPU ( Any Style ) x 6 w/ Tempo 30X1


B. Clean & Jerk ~ Hang Power + Power + Front Squat + Jerk x (1+2+1+1)


Today’s Workout:


Thrusters x 21-15-9 @ 42.5/30kg 

Cals x 21-15-9 




A1. Press x 6 w/ Tempo 30X1

A2. Deadlift x 6 w/ Tempo 30X1


Today’s Workout:


Partner / Solo ~ Time Cap Coaches Choice


AKBS x 15 @ 24/16kg 

Pistols x 12 Total 

KB Squats x 15 

Box Jumps x 12 

Cals x 9-12-15-18-21 


Sunday – Service 

1-5-9 reps for time of:

BB clean and press 75/50

Burpees pull up

9-15-21 reps for time of:

Deadlift, 125/85

Bar-facing Burpee

9-15-21 reps for time of:



Max Kcals in 6mins