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CrossFit Programme August 19th – 25th

Posted 18th August 2024 by Anthony Waller




Second CrossFit Cycle 2024 


Week 8 ~ Deload


It’s time once again to pump the breaks and let our bodies power up, before we make our final march on test week.


No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.


See you at work.


Monday – Front Squat + Snatch 

Tuesday – Bench Press + Pull Ups + Dips 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Back Squat + HSPU + Clean & Jerks 

Saturday – Press + Deadlift 

Sunday – Sunday Service




A. Front Squat ~ 4 x 10 @ 55-65%


B1. BB Bent Over Row x 10-12 ( Focus on Form )

B1. Dual DB RFE Split Squats x 10-12 e.s


C. Snatch ~ Floating Pull + Floating Power + Squat Snatch + OHS ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 )


Today’s Workout: 


3 Rounds 


Cals x 16/20 

Box Jumps x 20 

Wall Balls x 30 




A1. Bench Press ~ 4 x 10 @ 55-65%

A2. Strict Pull Ups x 10 + ISO Chin Over Bar Hold on First & Last Rep x 3-5 sec


B1. Strict Dips x 10

B2. Dual DB Lying Tricep Extension x 10-12

B3. EZ Bar Lap Curls x 8-10

B4. Zottman Curls x 10


Today’s Workout: 


Muscle Ups // Scale x 7 

Squat Clean x 3-5-7-9-11 @ 70/45kg 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 







KBS @ 24/16kg 

Double Unders 


WOD 2 


Run x 600m 

Deadlift x 15 @ 80/55kg 

Dual DB Box Step Ups x 20 Total @ 15/10kg 


WOD 3 


Power Clean & Jerk x 7 

Toes – Bar x 5 

HSPU x 3 (+2) Each Round 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A1. Back Squat ~ 4 x 10 @ 55-65%

A2. Strict HSPU x 3-6 + Kipping HSPU x 3-6 + Shoulder Taps x 8-10+


B. Clean & Jerk ~ Floating Pull + Floating Power + Squat Clean + Split Jerk ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 )


Today’s Workout:




Cals x 25/33 




Dual KB Gorilla Row x 16 Total 

Dual KB Squats x 16 

Dual KB Alt Lunges x 16 Total 




A1. Press ~ 4 x 10 @ 55-65%

A2. Deadlift ~ 4 x 10 @ 55-65%


Today’s Workout:


Waller Special


Sunday – Service 


10 rounds BB complex E2MO2M

Deadlift x5

Power cleans x3

Push press x1


8 handstand push-ups

8 alternating front BB lunges (30/50kg)

8 push presses (30/50kg)

20/24 kcal row /ski or 16/20kcas bike or run 400mtrs