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CrossFit Programme August 26th – September 1st

Posted 25th August 2024 by Anthony Waller




Second CrossFit Cycle 2024 


Week 9


It’s your final week of training before test week. Take a moment over the coming week to focus in on the targets you set at the beginning of the programme and do the necessary work to be your most prepared.


The foundations have been laid, the effort put in and now it’s almost time to cash out.


Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


See you at work.


Monday – Front Squat + Snatch 

Tuesday – Bench Press + Pull Ups + Dips 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Back Squat + HSPU + Clean & Jerks 

Saturday – Press + Deadlift 

Sunday – Sunday Service




A. Front Squat – 5/3/1 App


B1. BB Bent Over Row x 10-12 ( Focus on Form )

B1. Dual DB RFE Split Squats x 10-12 e.s


C. Snatch ~ Floating Pull + Power + Squat Snatch  ( 2 + 1 + 2 )


Today’s Workout: 


3 Rounds 


Hang Power Clean x 12 @ 50/35kg 

Run x 400m 

Wall Walk x 6 




A1. Bench Press – 5/3/1 App

A2. Strict Pull Ups x 10 + ISO Chin Over Bar Hold on First & Last Rep x 3-5 sec


B1. Strict Dips x 10

B2. Dual DB Lying Tricep Extension x 10-12

B3. EZ Bar Lap Curls x 8-10

B4. Zottman Curls x 10


Today’s Workout: 


Partner – Both Working 




Hang Power Snatch x 3 @ 45/30kg 

OH Squat x 3 

Power Snatch x 3 

OH Squat x 3 




Cals x 7/11 

D-Ball GTS x 4 

D-Ball Alt Lunges x 8 Total 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 




Alt DB Clean & Jerk x 10 Total @ 25/17.5kg 

Rope Climb x 5 




Cardio x 350/500m


WOD 2 




Front Squats x 7 @ 60/40kg 

STOH x 7 




Dual KB Farmers Hold ~ Until Switch @ 24/16kg 


WOD 3 


Solo ~ Descending Ladder 


AKBS x 20-18-16-14-12 @ 24/16kg 

Burpees x 11-10-9-8-7 

Weighted Sit Ups x 16-14-12-10-8 @ 15/10kg 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A1. Back Squat – 5/3/1 App

A2. Strict HSPU / Kipping HSPU / Shoulder Taps / Holds / Walking


B. Clean & Jerk ~ Floating Pull + Squat Clean + Split Jerk ( 2 + 2 + 1 )


Today’s Workout:


Squat Cleans x 6 @ 70/55kg 

Wall Balls x 12 

Pull Ups x 6 




A1. Press – 5/3/1 App

A2. Deadlift – 5/3/1 App


Today’s Workout:


Waller Special


Sunday – Service 


10 Rounds for time of:

1 Deadlift, 160/100kg

1 Rope Climb, 15 ft.

5 Rounds for time of:

20 Burpees

5 Push Jerks, 75/50

4 Rounds for time of:

400m Run or ski/row 500mtrs

50 Air Squats