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CrossFit Programme September 2nd – 8th

Posted 1st September 2024 by Anthony Waller




Second CrossFit Cycle 2024 


Week 10 – Test week….Lessgo!!


One Rep Max Testing Guide 


Aim to hit your 1 Rep Max within seven working sets. 


WARM-UP – Get Sweaty 


1 x 5 @ 50%

1 x 3 @ 60%

1 x 2 @ 70%

1 x 1 @ 80%

1 x 1 @ 90%

1 x 1 @ 95%

1 x 1 @ 100%+ or New PR 


Of course this is just a guide and you may already had a solid plan of attack. Either way it’s now time to see what all your hard work and effort has amounted to, so enjoy the session, lift safe and give it all you have. 


The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.


See you at work.


Monday – Front Squat + Snatch 

Tuesday – Bench Press + Pull Ups + Dips 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Back Squat + HSPU + Clean & Jerks 

Saturday – Press + Deadlift 

Sunday – Sunday Service




A. Front Squat – Test


B. Snatch – Test


Today’s Workout: 


Double Unders x 30-40-50-60 

AKBS x 15 @ 24/16kg 




A. Bench Press – Test

B. Strict Pull Ups – Test

C. Strict Dips – Test


Today’s Workout: 


Partner – Both Working 




Alt DB Snatch x 14 Total @ 22.5/15kg 

Pull Ups x 7




Cals x 12/16

D-Ball Squats x 10 @ 50/35kg


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 


Run x 600m 

Burpee Box Jumps x 15 

Back Squats x 15 @ 70/50kg 


WOD 2 


Cals x 18/22 

Dual DB Devils Press x 6 @ 20/15kg 

Dual DB Box Step Overs x 8 Total 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A. Back Squat – Test


B. Strict HSPU / Kipping HSPU / Shoulder Taps / Holds / Walking – Test


C. Clean & Jerk – Test


Today’s Workout:




Cals x 15/20

Toes – Bar x 12 




Dual DB Clean & Press x 10 @ 17.5/12.5kg 

Dual DB Thruster x 10 




A1. Press – Test

A2. Deadlift – Test


Today’s Workout:


Waller Special


Sunday – Service 


Working in YGIG format-per-round


Hang power clean x5 @45/30

Front squat x5

Push press x5


Power clean x3 @ 75/50

Jerks x3 @ 75/50


Clean and Jerk x1 @?

DB box step over/step ups x100

T2B/T2R x75