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CrossFit Programme September 9th – 15th

Posted 8th September 2024 by Anthony Waller


The Reshuffle 


As we close out the second training cycle of the year it’s time once again to mix things up and keep the body guessing.


Take this week to adjust to the new schedule and set out your new goals before we officially start the new programme on Monday 16th.


Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.


See you at work.


Monday – Back Squat + Clean & Jerk 

Tuesday – Sumo Deadlift + HSPU + Snatch 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Bench Press + Chin Ups + Ring Dips 

Saturday – Front Squat + Seated Shoulder Press 

Sunday – Sunday Service




A1. Back Squat x 8-6-4-2 ( Build Weight as Reps Drop )

A2. Dual DB Box Step Ups x 8 e.s

A3. Calf Raises x 20 ( w/ Feet On Weight Plate )


C. Clean & Jerk ~ Power Clean & Push Jerk x 5


Today’s Workout: 


AMRAP Ladder x 3-6-9-12-15 + 


Single Arm DB Clean & Press ~ Total @ 25/17.5kg 

DB Goblet Squats 

Chest – Bar Pull Ups 




A1. Sumo Deadlift x 8-6-4-2 ( Build Weight as Reps Drop )

A2. Dual DB Seesaw Press x 14 Total

A3. Wall Walk x 2-4


B. Snatch ~ Power Snatch x 5


Today’s Workout: 




Cals x 7/11 

D-Ball o/ Shoulder x 6 




Double KB Gorilla Row x 14 Total @ 20/12kg 

Double KB Alt Lunges x 14 Total 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 


Cals x 35/50 

Thrusters x 50 @ 45/30kg 


Cals x 35/50 

Hang Power Clean & Press x 50 @ 45/30kg 


Cals x 35/50 

Box Jumps x 50 @ 24/32” 


WOD 2 


Toes – Bar x 20-15-10-5 

HSPU x 5-10-15-20


WOD 3 


Weighted Sit Ups x 15 @ 15/10kg 

Ring Rows x 25 



Thursday – Gymnastics




A. Bench Press x 8-6-4-2 ( Build Weight as Reps Drop )

A2. Chin Ups x 5 w/ Tempo ( 30×1 )


B1. Ring Dip Holds – Top : 5-10 sec + Bottom : 5-10 sec

B2. BB Bicep Curls x 21’s

B3. Weighted Sit Ups x 10-12


Today’s Workout:




Double Unders x 30 

Deadlifts x 10 @ 80/60kg 




Double KB Front Rack Hold 





A1. Front Squat x 8-6-4-2 ( Build Weight as Reps Drop )

A2. Dual KB Gorilla Row x 14 Total


B1. Seated DB Arnold Press x 10-12

B2. Poliquin Lateral Raises x 10

B3. Banded KBS x 12 ( Red Band + 16/20kg 0r Blue Band + 24kg )


Today’s Workout:


Waller Special


Sunday – Service 


E4MOM x 28 minutes of:

400m Run/500 row-ski/30clas bike.

10 Thrusters, 45/30

10 Pull-ups

4 rounds

15x box jumps

handstand walk / 30-45sec hold.

15x T2B

1 lap heavy farmers carry.