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CrossFit Programme September 16th – 22nd

Posted 15th September 2024 by Anthony Waller





Third CrossFit Cycle 2024  


Week 1 


So here we go. it’s the final training cycle of 2024 and the last march to hit those targets before we close out another epic training year. There’s still so much time to attack your goals new and old, so let’s keep this incredible standard and discipline up.

Action is the foundational key to all success.

See you at work.


Monday – Back Squat + Clean & Jerk 

Tuesday – Sumo Deadlift + HSPU + Snatch 

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Bench Press + Chin Ups + Ring Dips 

Saturday – Front Squat + Seated Shoulder Press 

Sunday – Sunday Service




A1. Back Squat – 5/3/1 App

A2. Single Arm DB Row x 10 e.s

A3. Knee Up External Rotation x 10 e.s


C. Clean & Jerk ~ Hang Pull + Hang Power + Power + Push Jerk ( 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 )


Today’s Workout: 




Deadlift x 6-9-12-15-18 @ 70/55kg 

Burpee o/ Bar x 7 




Dual DB Push Press x 14 @ 17.5/12.5kg 

Dual DB Alt Lunges x 14 Total 




A1. Sumo Deadlift – 5/3/1 App

A2. Cyclist Squat w/ Heavy DB or KB x 15

A3. Strict Handstand Push Up w/ Tempo ( 30×1 ) x 5


B. Snatch ~ Hang Pull + Hang Power + Power + OHS  ( 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 )


Today’s Workout: 




Power Clean x 8 @ 60/42.5kg 

Front Squat x 8 

Toes – Bar x 8 




Cals x 12/18 


Wednesday – Conditioning 


WOD 1 




AKBS x 24 @ 24/16kg 

Box Step Overs x 12 Total 




Run x 600m 


WOD 2 


Hang Power Snatch x 7 @ 45/30kg 

Pull Ups x 7 


WOD 3 


Cals x 10/15 

D-Ball ~ Shoulder x 6 @ 50/35kg 

D-Ball Squat x 6 


Thursday – Gymnastics




A1. Bench Press – 5/3/1 App

A2. Chin Ups x 10 ( Add Weight if Possible or Use Band if Needed )


B1. Ring Dip Complex ~ Top Hold x : 5-10 sec + Bottom Hold x : 5-10 sec + 1-3 Strict Ring Dips

B2. BB Reverse Bicep Curls x 12-15

B3. Weighted Sit Ups x 10-12


Today’s Workout:




Dual DB Devils Press x 5 

Dual DB Thrusters x 10 




Cals x 7/11 

Wall Walks x 3 




A1. Front Squat – 5/3/1 App

A2. Seated DB Shoulder Press x 10


B1. Pendlay Row x 10

B2. Dual DB Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 e.s



Today’s Workout:


Waller Special


Sunday – Service 

10 rounds

3x power cleans @80/50kg


7x pull-ups


3 rounds

500 row

12x deadlifts @ BW

21x box jumps