CrossFit Programme December 9th – 15th
Winter Throwdown Complete!! After another epic in-house competition it’s time for a little remix with the programming to keep us on our toes and ride out a truly successful 2024.
Pump the breaks where needed but if it’s on don’t hold back.
You must expect things of yourself before you can do them.
See you at work.
Monday – Bench Press
Tuesday – Back Squat
Wednesday – Conditioning
Thursday – Gymnastics
Friday – Deadlift
Saturday – Strict OH Press
Sunday – Sunday Service
A1. Bench Press x 8-6-4-2-2 * Build Weight as Reps Drop *
A2. Dual DB RFE Split Squats x 12 e.s
A3. EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 8-10
A4. Ring Rows x 15-20
B. Snatch ~ Power x 4 E2MOM
Today’s Workout:
Thruster x 21-15-9
Pull Ups x 21-15-9
@ 42.5/30kg
A1. Back Squat x 8-6-4-2-2 * Build Weight as Reps Drop *
A2. Box Jump x 3 * Test your Vert *
A3. Dual DB Bent Over Row x 10-12
B. Cleans ~ Hang Power + Power + Squat Clean ( 2 + 1 + 1 )
Today’s Workout:
Cals x 20/30 Each
Power Clean x 4 @ 70/45kg
Squat Clean x 3
Front Squat x 2
Cals x 20/30 Each
Wednesday – Conditioning
Run x 400m
HSPU x 7-14-21
Rope Climb x 5
Cals x 10/15
Deadlift x 12-9-6-3 @ 140/90kg
Burpee Box Jump x 12-9-6-3 @ 30/24”
Double Unders x 50
Dual DB Clean & Press x 8 @ 22.5/15kg
Air Squats x 25
Thursday – Gymnastics
A1. Deadlift x 8-6-4-2-2 * Build Weight as Reps Drop *
A2. Seated Dual DB Seesaw Press x 10 Total
A3. Dual DB Lateral Raises x 15
B1. Dual DB Reverse Drop Lunges x 10 e.s
B2. Chin Ups x 5+
B3. Knee Uo External Rotation x 10 e.s
Today’s Workout:
AKBS x 14 @ 24/16kg
Wall Walks x 3
Cals x 17/22
A1. Strict OH Press x 8-6-4-2-2 * Build Weight as Reps Drop *
A2. Single Arm DB Row x 5 + 10 e.s * Do five heavy reps then quickly drop the weight down and complete ten reps *
B1. Tall Kneeling Filly Press x 10 e.s
B2. Single Arm Ring Rows x 8 e.s
B3. KB Kang Squat x 10-12
Today’s Workout:
Waller Special
Sunday – Service
warm-up -8min
Power Cleans and press x5
Kcals x12-15
5x Round for time of:
Single-unders x75
Clean & Jerks, 80/50×3
3x rounds
Wallballs x21
Power Cleans 60/40 x15
1x round
50x T2B
as many kcals in reaming time