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03/06/2013 Momentum Met-con

Posted 3rd June 2013 by Josh Schouten


Team of 2 people spend 4 mins on each paired station

Round 1: Tempos apply to first exercise on each station

  • Station 1: Push-Press 50×0 and Alternating Battle Ropes
  • Station 2: Trapbar Dead lift 50×0 and Reverse Sled Drag 80kg
  • Station 3: Box Squat to Jump 50×0 and KB Walking Lunges
  • Station 4: Inverse Row 50×0 and Burpees
  • Station 5: Sheena Press-up 50×0 and Prowler Push

Leg Crank:
24 Air Squats
24 Revere Lunges
12 Squat Jumps
12 Lunge Jumps

2min Rest

Round 2: repeat all stations with no tempo on first exercises

Finisher: 5 rounds in partners
From press-up position perform 20m Sprints (jog back)