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17/06/2013 Momentum Met-con

Posted 17th June 2013 by Josh Schouten

Dynamic Warm-up

Working in groups of 3

9min on each station, :45sec work at each exercise :15sec to change exercises

  • Station 1: Heavy Sled Push/Lateral Shoulder Raise w/ chains/Standing Calf Raises
  • Station 2: Ring Rollouts/Trap-bar Deadlift/Shuttle Sprints with burpee @ each end
  • Station 3: BB Push-Press/Battle Rope Internal Circles/Inverse Ring Rows

Leg Burner

100 Alternating Step-ups 20′ box

Back to stations for 3minutes on each station.


3 Rounds of:
20 Lateral Band Walks to the left
20 Lateral Band Walks to the right
20 Upright rows with band