#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 03/07/2013 #withmomentum
Strength & Skill
A-1 (skill) Wall Walks / Wheel barrow walks with partner backwards and forwards/ Hand Walk outs 3 x 2reps rst :45
A-2 (skill) Kipping Practice 3 x 15-20reps XXXX rst :45
B-1 Push-Press 5 x
CFA: 4-6reps rst :90
BC: 6-8reps 2010 rst :90
B-2 Close Grip Chin-ups (hands together) 5 x
CFA: 4-6reps rst :90
BC: 6-8reps 3010 rst :90
“Tabata Something Else”
set the clock to 16minutes
Complete 32 intervals of :20sec work :10sec rest. 4min on each stations & COUNT TOTAL REPS
Pull-ups / Ring Rows
* There is no rest between intervals