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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 09/07/2013 #withmomentum

Posted 9th July 2013 by Josh Schouten


Hollow Rock (midline stability) 3 x 15 to 20 reps


A-1 Strict OHP 5 x CFA: 6-8 BC: 8-12 Rest: 60
A-2 Strict Pull-ups 5 x CFA: 8-12 BC: 12-15 Rest:10
A-3 Hangining Scapular retractions (global flexion, feet together) 5 x 10  Rest: 60


Total reps for 5 rounds of :
AMRAP 2min of:
Ring dips x 10
Air Squats x 10
Rest :60 between rounds


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