#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 17/07/2013 #withmomentum
Warm-up & Skill
A-1 Forward rolls rest :30
A-2 Superman rocks for :30secĀ :30
A-1 Clean Grip Deadlifts 5 x CFE: 4-6 BC: 6-8 30×0 :60
A-2 ME: TTB (skill practice) 5 sets max reps x0x0 :60
Set the clock to 16min time cap: (20reps of each rest :45)
4 Rounds of:
B-1 Back Extensions (controlled)
B-2 Front Rack Walking Lunges
B-3 Pull-ups / Jumping Pull-ups (full extension of arms)
50 standing calf raises