#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 22/07/2013 #withmomentum
Skill Practice
A. 10 x 1 High hang Clean, 1 Squat Clean rest :60
*Increase weight as needed after each successful round.
A-1 Clean Grip Deadlifts 5 x CFE: 4-6 BC: 6-8 30×0 :60
A-2 ME: TTB (skill practice) 5 sets max reps x0x0 :60
Find a challenging weight for the following complex of:
B-1 Deadlift 5 x 5 20×0 rest:10sec
B-2 High Pull 5 x 5 20×0 rest:10sec
B-3 Pwr Clean 5 x 5 20×0 rest:10sec
B-4 Front Squat 5 x 5 20×0 rest:60sec
Capacity 2:
15min AMRAP of:
3 Cleans and Press @ 80%
Rest :30sec
6 Box Jumps 30/24′
Rest :30sec