#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 15/08/2013 #withmomentum
A. BB Complex 3 x
- BB First pull to above knees x 5
- BB Second pull from above knees to pockets x 5
- BB High Hang Power Clean x 5
- BB Front Squat x 5
- Rest :45
15 minutes to complete
B. Squat Cleans
- CFA: 7×3 XXXX rst:90
- BC: 5×5 XXXX rst:90
12 minutes to complete:
C. Clean pulls
- 5 x 3 XXXX rst:75
EMOM for 10minutes perform:
3 Power Cleans
2 Push Press
@ 60% of Squat Clean in B
Total reps for 2 rounds of:
2min AMRAP KB Swings 24/16kg
rest :60 between rounds