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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 22/08/2013 #withmomentum

Posted 22nd August 2013 by Josh Schouten


A. Sumo Deadlift (work up to 3RM with good form) CFA: 7×3 BC: 5×5 30×1 :90

B-1 BB High Box Lateral Step-ups (scale low reebok step) 4 CFA: 6-8 BC: 8-10 21×1 :60

B-2 GHR (scale: nordic raises) 4 10-12 31×0 :60

Capacity / W.O.D.

3 rounds of (12minutes)

:30 ME Row Calories :30  rest

:30  ME Pull-ups :30  rest

:30 ME push ups :30 sec rest

:30 ME Weight Plate OH walking Lunges :30 rest

Total reps each exercise and total overall