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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 31/08/2013 #withmomentum

Posted 31st August 2013 by Josh Schouten


A. Hip mobility and glute activation

B. 3 x 100m run throughs [70%, 80%, 90% efforts]

c-1 Clean tekkers and build up to 60/40kg reps

c-2 Strict Pull-up tekkers and scaled versions

Practice Round of WOD

10 Squats
5 Power Clean 60/40kg
4 Strict Pull-ups [scale with band]
Jog 400 meters



“Hotshots 19”

Six rounds for time of:
30 Squats
19 Power Clean 60/40kg
7 Strict Pull-ups [scale with band]
Run 400 meters

35minute time cap