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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 03/09/2013 #withmomentum

Posted 3rd September 2013 by Josh Schouten


10 minutes to complete

A-1 Kipping Toes to Rings 3 x 8-10reps Rst:30

A-2 Tuck Jumps 3 x 5reps Rst:30


25 minutes to complete

CrossFit Athlete:
B. Power Cleans 8 x 5,5,4,4,3,3,3,3reps XXXX Rst:120

C. DE: Front Squats 3reps EMOM for 10minutes (wk1: 70%, wk2: 75%, wk3: 77.5%, wk4: 80%)

B. Power Cleans 6 x 5reps XXXX Rst:120

C. DE: Front Squats 3reps EMOM for 10minutes (wk1: 65%, wk2: 70%, wk3: 75%, wk4: 80%)

CrossFit Endurance
B. DE: Power Clean 65% 1RM 3 reps EMOM for 12 minutes XXXX

C. DE: Front Squats 2reps (wk1: 65%, wk2: 70%, wk3: 75%, wk4: 80%)

CrossFit Rookie
B. Practive Power Clean Technique:
– First pull (extending the knees, keeping shoulders over the bar)
– Slow Second pull for form (rolling the bar up the thighs, feel the steel)
– Dip Drive (seed through the middle)
– High Pulls (keeping the bar close)
– Power Clean (elbows nice and high)

C. DE: KB Goblet Squats 5reps EMOM for 10minutes


Capacity W.O.D

15min AMRAP EACH STATION (3 rounds)  :30sec work :30sec rest:

Air Squats
Ring Rows
Back Extensions