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HEAVY METCON 18/09/2013

Posted 20th September 2013 by Geoff Stewart



Mobility warm up

Basic work x3
15 squats
10 press ups
5 pull ups

Strength work

A Deadlifts 5×5 reps 30×0
70% 1RM UGIG with partner

Heavy Metcon circuit

Work for 75 sec then change exercise for 45 sec.
B1  Heavy sled push partners
B2  tyre battle
B3 Partner tug of war
B4 Sled pull with partner
B5 KB oh press x3 reps partner holds in rack position

C sheena stick press up 10×5 reps each 2020 tempo alternating with partner

D 10 Min heavy prowler push alternating teams of 5.