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Posted 3rd October 2013 by Geoff Stewart

Mobility warm up

Basic work x3
15 squats
10 press ups
5 pull ups

Strength work. Partners alternate exercises 10 mins work

A1 back squat, death by back squat every 30 sec alt with reps 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 70% 1RPM

Heavy Metcon circuit. Alternating with partner for 30sec work 30sec rest x3

B1 Heavy sled push n rope pull
B2 chain crucifix
B3 trap bar Deadlifts
B4 prowler push
B5 Fat bat DL
B6 OH plate press and hold 25/15
B7 Power rowing damper @ 10
B8 plate press ups 20/10