#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 17/10/2013 #withmomentum
A. 1 Power clean, 1 Front Squats, 1 Split Jerk on the :90 6 3 0 00:01:30 Perform as on the :90sec’s (10mins)
A. 1 Power clean, 1 Front Squats, 1 Split Jerkon the :90 6 3 0 00:01:30 Perform as on the :90sec’s (10mins)
A. DE: 1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squats, 1 Split Jerk EMOM for 10 minutes 10 3 0 00:01:00 Perform as on the :60sec’s (10mins)
CF Rookie
A. 1 Power clean, 1 Front Squats, 1 Push-Press on the :90 6 3 0 00:01:30 Perform as on the :90sec’s (10mins)
10 min Capacity
5 Rounds of (10min):
Max Reps Deadlift @ 60% 1RM :30sec
30sec rest
Max Reps burpees :30sec
30sec rest
20 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/8′
40 Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls
40 Box Jumps 24/20″
20 Wall Balls
40 Ring Dips
20 Wall Balls
40 KBS 24kg/16kg
20 Wall Balls
CF & CF Endurance
20 Wall Balls 7/5kg 10/8′
40 Pull-ups [Scale: Jumping Pull-ups]
20 Wall Balls
40 Box Jumps 24/20″
20 Wall Balls
40 Press-ups
20 Wall Balls
40 KBS 20kg/12kg
20 Wall Balls
CF Rookie
20 Wall Balls (comfotable weight) 10/8′
40 Jumping Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls
40 Box Jumps 20″
20 Wall Balls
40 Press-ups
20 Wall Balls
40 KBS (comfortable weight)
20 Wall Balls