#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 22/10/2013 #withmomentum
Skill Muscle Up Progressions
25 minutes to complete
Teach False Grip and Non-False-Grip
Strict Muscle-up progression with false grip
Use band to practice transition
All Athlete
3 Rounds at each station then move to next station (total 15 minutes)
A. :30sec Ring Dips, :15sec hold bottom position, :30sec rest [Scale: Use band, feet on floor]
B. Hold Plank :45sec, :30sec rest
C. :30sec Air Squats, :15sec hold bottom of Squat, :30sec rest [for quality, hold pole if needed]
D. Hold L-sit on box :45sec, :30sec rest
12 minutes to complete
CrossFit Athlete
50 C2B Pull-ups
50 Pistols (25 ea leg)
50 KB Snatches (25 ea arm) 24/16kg
CrossFit & CrossFit Endurance
50 Pull-ups [Scale: jumping pull-ups]
50 Pistols (25 ea leg) [Scale: use band, use pole]
50 KB Snatches (25 ea arm) 20/12kg [Scale: 30 Single arm swings each arm]
CrossFit Rookie
30 Pull-ups [Scale: jumping pull-ups]
60 Air Squats
60 KB Swings (comfortable weight)