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CrossFit Hackney Total, Put Your Strength To The Test.

Posted 1st November 2013 by Josh Schouten

The time has come to put your strength to the test.  Momentum Training has been running CrossFit classes for 6 months now and we feel our members have earned the chance to put their strength to the test.  So we will be performing our very own CrossFit Hackney Total.

The format of todays W.O.D will be:

10minutes to coach Bench, Deadlift and Squat Tekkers.

15minutes to establish 3RM Bench

15minutes to establish 3RM Deadlift

15minutes to establish 3RM Squat

Members will work in groups of 3-4 to spot, coach, motivate and make sure everyone if performing the workout with safety being the number one priority.  The objective is to perform all reps with good form and to not look like a dog taking a crap while squatting and deadlifting.



Over the next month the CrossFit Hackney programming will introduce percentages of these lifts as part of the strength component of the CrossFit classes.  So we encourage ALL members to take note of their individual scores.  Even better, we have put together this spreadsheet to do all the calculations required.   Download the spreadsheet, enter your results and keep a copy at hand for the session to come.


If you goal is to get stronger (Momentum Training CrossFit Athlete group) you need to know what weight you have lifted in the past and the weight you should be aiming to lift in each session to improve your strength.   If your goals are more general fitness or body composition (Momentum Training CrossFit group) then you need to increase the amount of work you are doing in the gym.  Work = Force x Distance, hence the more weight you lift, the more force you produce and the greater the work output.  To put it simple, at then end of the day you will get better results.

Find out more about how much weight you should lift in this previous blog post.