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10 reasons why you pay more for CrossFit?

Posted 2nd December 2013 by Josh Schouten

At Momentum Training (MT) we’re big believers that you should always get what you pay for. Gyms come in all shapes and sizes and are all available at all different prices. There is no disputing that there are cheaper gym memberships than the one Momentum Training will offer you (or most CrossFit gyms), but what are really paying for? We know that some people’s perception of CrossFit is that it’s expensive. But at Momentum, we think we’re just very good value for money.

Just in case you’re in any doubt though, we asked our members and staff (who have worked and trained in a whole host of other gyms over the years) why they believe MT membership and CrossFit is worth every penny.

Here’s what they had to say:

1.  It’s a small business: “CrossFit gyms are small businesses owned and run by people who care about health and fitness. MT cares about every single one of their members. Members are definitely not just another number, another membership card or another statistic on a spreadsheet.”

Some of our staff are admittedly better than others at remembering all the members by name, but between us, we know the names of every member that walks in the door and we listen to what they are telling us.”

2.   Educating people on how train effectively: “CrossFit gyms are no gimmick establishments; we are here to train, not entertain. We’re about training and getting results and we’re working with you all the time to help you do it. There is no wandering about thinking you are getting fitter just because you are at the gym. Everyday is not chest and biceps day (men), or endless hours on cardio machine or bodyweight classes (women). Everything is designed for optimal results in strength, skill, fitness and body composition. We’re there to make sure you stay motivated and actually achieve your goals.  Let be honest, you’ve been going to the gym for years doing the same old exercises/classes and making minimal progress.  Its time to change the programme and learn something fun, new, exciting, challenging and rewarding.

If you have an injury or cannot do a certain movement our coaches are here to scale the workout and make sure you leave the gym feeling like you’ve achieved something.”

3.  Serious about training: “CrossFit gyms make strength and conditioning more accessible to everyone. Have you ever tried to heavy deadlift or Olympic lift in a commercial gym? The bars are too wide for most females to grip and the plates don’t bounce or go light enough in a large size for beginners to learn. There is also no space for advanced lifters to miss a catch without putting another member in hospital. MT has the space, the equipment, and the expertise.”

Every month we test just how fit each of our members are with a Workout Of the Month (WOM).  At the start of the month athletes perform a carefully selected workout.  Throughout the month we train our athletes to get fitter, faster, stronger, leaner and meaner.  At the end of the month the get a chance to repeat the same workout to determine if they have improved.  We let the results do the talking… not gimmicks!

4.  Bang for you buck training, not time wasting: “CrossFit gyms will make sure you do the work and your get the results.  You will build up more lactic acid and burn more body fat at CrossFit. Have you ever tried to set up a WOD/ Metcon style circuit in a commercial gym? If you are lucky enough to find an inch of space and a piece of equipment at peak time you’ll find halfway through your circuit that someone has pinched both and by the time you get them back your heart rate is down and you feel ready to go home. Intensity is key. We make sure everyone has the opportunity for that within the hour you spend with us.”

If you’re spending more than an hour in the gym you’re not working hard enough.

5.  It’s a safe environment for skill and knowledge transfer: “CrossFit classes are just like personal training, but in a small group environment. We share our knowledge to ensure you understand all the movements and make sure you are performing them correctly.  At MT we have multiple coaches on the floor at all times. Our coaches have more than 30 combined years of experience in the strength and conditioning world and we know what we are talking about.  Recently Josh and StreTch have been hired by British Athletics to strength and condition the 100/200m sprinting team. We’re are dead serious about what we do, and we do it well.

The CrossFit programming is not random; every session is designed to progress members towards their goals, and the programme has a balanced strength, skills, capacity, olympic lifting and pre-hab components. At MT we have four separate versions of every class that can be done depending on your individual goals; CrossFit Athlete, an Endurance Athlete, General Fitness and Body Composition, or a Beginner Version.”

6.  Building confidence so you can train hard by yourself:   “CrossFit is super safe. We take the time to ensure that everyone is performing all movements in a way that are safe and that builds strength, fitness and confidence.  CrossFit sometimes gets a bad name due to some rouge CrossFit gyms that don’t take care of their members.  Unfortunately this is the nature of the fitness industry and there a plenty of personal trainers and large gym facilities that have far less of an idea about health and fitness.  CrossFit is making a massive impact in the industry – with success there will always be haters.  Do your research, and find a CrossFit gym that has good quality coaches and a low record of injuries.  You will not regret it. MT makes sure egos are left at the door and safety comes first, because an injured athlete does not get results.”

7.   More than training: “You can pick our brains about far more than just your workout. Between us we have a whole host of qualifications and knowledge. We can talk nutritional therapy, supplements, physio and sports massage, Yoga, Metcon, Barbells, Heavy Metcon and 1-to-1 sessions. Not to mention all the other banter and super funny jokes (except for Josh) you get thrown in for free!  We are here to help and we won’t charge you for tips on reaching your goals.  At the end of the day a happy member is a member who gets great results and tells all their friends about how awesome the staff are at MT.”

8.  Its fun:  “We try our best to make it fun. We’ve had fancy dress WODs, we’ve had BBQs, there have been Throwdown competitions with other gyms in London and there are many other things lined up for 2014. We all want to get fitter and stronger, but we want to make sure we have some fun while we do it.”

9.  We do CrossFit:   “We are all exceptionally passionate about what we do and we actually walk the talk. We do WODs too. We have goals and we train in the gym to make them happen. Geoff even tried to stick to a Paleo diet!

10.  It’s a community: “We like to train hard, but we also like to have a bit of banter with people and that goes for our members too. You might be in for an early morning or a post work session, but either way you will find super friendly people in an all inclusive environment. There are no cliques at MT. We are all in this together.

Do you get any of this at your gym?  


We believe that our service is one of the best in London and if you would like to know more please get in touch with us [email protected]  Your introductory class is always free and we know you will come back for more!