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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 29/01/2014 #withmomentum

Posted 29th January 2014 by Josh Schouten


3 Rounds of:
8 Inverse Ring Rows
8 Ring Press-ups
16 Walking Lunges w/ toe touch (when stepping forward with the right leg the athlete will touch there right foot with their left hand)

Gymnastics Day

Kipping Practice
If you have strict pull-ups:
Perform 2 round of the following sequence:
A. 10 Kipping Pull-ups rest :45sec
B. 10 Kipping Pull-ups with supinated grip (palms up) rest :45sec
C. 10 Kipping Pull-ups with mixed grip (one L-hand supinated, R-hand pronated) rest :45sec
D. 10 Kipping Pull-ups with mixed grip (one R-hand supinated, L-hand pronated) rest :45sec

If you don’t have strict pull-ups:
A. Practice kipping positions – global flexion and extension

Benchmark W.O.D Day

DianeĀ Can you beat Dan Baileys world record of 1:35?
CrossFit Athlete Rx
Deadlift 102.5/70kg

CrossFit & CrossFit Endurance
[Scale: Deadlift 80/50kg]
[Scale: HSPU with feet on box]

CrossFit Rookie
[Scale: Deadlift comfortable weight]
[Scale: HSPU->feet on box->press-ups, incline press-ups]


Capacity to be performed after the WOD today.
EMOM for 10minutes 100m Sprint and 10 Air Squats

* if you fail to complete a round in 10minutes you must rest the next round

*Care of StreTch