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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 2/2/2014 #withmomentum

Posted 2nd February 2014 by Josh Schouten


With empty bar complete:

3 Rounds:
5 Deadlift
5 Clean High Pull
5 Push Press
5 Front Squat
25 ea direction lateral band walks


CrossFit Athlete

A-1 Deadlift from podium stand on 15kg plates) 5x 5,5,5,4,4 20×0 rst: 100sec
A-2 Glute-Ham Raises 5 x 8-10 30×0 rst:100sec

CrossFit & CrossFit Endurance

A-1 5×5 20×0 rst: 100sec

A-2 [Scale: Nordic Raise (knees on abe-mat)] Nordic Raises 4×8-10

CrossFit Rookie

A-1 4×6-8 20×0 rst: 100sec


EMOM perform 6 reps on each station for 4 rounds (12 minutes)

CrossFit Athlete

B-1 Double KB Thrusters 24/12kg
B-2 Box Jumps 20/24″
B-3 Deadlift @ 65% best weight in A-1*

* Move the bar FAST

CrossFit & CrossFit Endurance

B-1 [Scale: 20/8kg->DB Thrusters-> Heels elevated]
B-2 [Scale: Use weight plates for height]


““Just Nine Minutes”
Three sets for max rounds of:
60 seconds of Hang Power Clean 45/30kg
(elbows must come all the way around and hips must open fully at the top)
60 seconds of Front Squat 45/30kg
60 seconds of Push Press 45/30kg
60 seconds of Rest 45/30kg


60 seconds KBS 24/16kg
60 seconds of Front Squat 40/25kg
60 seconds of Push Press 40/25kg
60 seconds of Rest 40/25kg

[Scale: All exerciss to comfortable weight]

*Care of StreTch