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What are the CrossFit Games all about?

Posted 4th February 2014 by Josh Schouten

If the CrossFit Games is new to you you may be wondering what they are all about and what it all means. If not read on…

CrossFit Games events are made up a broad range of functional movements. Functional movements move large loads, long distances, quickly. These movements also form the basis of our exercise program. Make no mistake—the CrossFit Games are designed to test, not train fitness. The goal is to find the fittest athletes, not to produce an easily replicable workout program.

The Games are a three-stage journey.

The Games season is broken up into three stages. The first step is the Open, a worldwide, inclusive, five-week competition that kicks off early in the spring. Want to participate? More info is available here.

The top athletes from the Open in each of the 17 regions around the world will qualify for the second stage of the competition—Regionals, a three-day, live competition.

The season culminates in the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games. At the Games, thousands of participants will be whittled down to around 100 of the fittest men and women in the world.

A key element to a fair test of fitness is the unknown and unknowable. Athletes cannot train for what they do not know. At each CrossFit Games, the athletes engage in a series of challenges unknown to them until right before the competition. The combination of highly-trained athletes and unknown workouts makes for an explosive mix. ESPN Magazine went so far as to call the Games the “best way to spend 50 bucks” in sports.

At CrossFit Hackney we know how tough it can be to make the elite .4% in the world. This shouldn’t deter you from entering and having a go to see what you are amongst friend and foes. On the site you will be able to see where you stand not only in the world but also in your country, male & female wise.

This is all part of the CrossFit community trying to make you better than you were yesterday or one year ago. Josh, StreTch (ask him about the cap T) and Tom have all entered to test themselves so come see how you rank against your coaches and have a bit of fun and banter while you are at it.

Enter HERE

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