#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD12/2/2014 #withmomentum
3 Rounds:
10 Scapula Retractions on rings
10 Press Ups (with palms facing forward) [Scale: Incline on box]
10 Hollow Rocks
CrossFit Athlete
A-1 L-Sit Ring Pull-ups 31×0 4×6-8 Rst 60sec
A-2 Negative Press HeSPU against wall 30×0 4×5-7 Rst:100sec
* when you fail the strict, kip and maintain the eccentric tempo”
CrossFit, CrossFit Endurance & CrossFit Rookie
A-1 [Scale: Us bands under butt]
A-2 [Scale: limit range of motion with weight plates and ab-mat->pike position on box, pike position with abe-mat->knees on box]
Perform :45sec of work on each station with :15 sec to change. At the end of each round rest :60sec (3 rounds = 15 minutes)
B-1 Ab-mat sit-ups 21×0
B-2 Bilateral Ins-and-outs, prone on rings (from bottom of press-up position)
B-3 Persian Press-ups (on Sheena)
B-4 Muscle-up transition with feet on floor
B-1 ..
B-2 [Scale: Single arm at a time->on knees]
B-3 [Scale: no press-up]
CrossFit Athlete
Your score is the total number of burpees you perform in 12min AMRAP of:
Every min on the min
3 Power Cleans 60/40kg
ME: Burpees
CrossFit & CFE
Either perform:
Power Clean WOD [Scale: Cleans 50/30kg]
3 Front Squats (take bar from rack) 50/30kg
ME Burpees
CrossFit Rookie
[Scale: Use a comfortable weight for the cleans/front squats]