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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 22/2/2014 #withmomentum

Posted 21st February 2014 by Josh Schouten


3 Rounds:
5 High Pulls
5 Hang Cleans
5 Strict Press
5 Thruster


CrossFit Athlete & CrossFit
A-1 1x Strict OHP + 5 Push-Press 30×0 rst: 100sec
A-2 Pull-ups 30×0 5x 6-8 rst: 100sec

note: The aim is to use a weight that you can not strict press anymore than 2 reps.

CrossFit Endurance & 
A. ME: 1 Strict OHP and 3 Push-Press (find ME strict press weight)
B. Find 2 RM in 12min

CFE must take bar from floor.

CrossFit Rookie
A-1 2x Strict OHP + 6 Push-Press 30×0 rst: 100sec
A-2 [Scale: Eccentrics 6000 5×4-5]]


Capacity: In groups of 3, EMOM Perform 6 reps for 4 rounds (12 minutes)
CrossFit Athlete
B-1 3 x Clean and Press @ 70/40kg
B-2 6 x Strict Ring Dips
B-3 9 x Burpees
CrossFit Scaled & CFE
B-1 [Scale: Deadlift and shrug]
B-2 [Scale: Press-up on rings]
B-3 [Scale: 6 x Burpees]


CrossFit Athlete

2x 5min AMRAP with 2min rest between
1 Thruster 60/40kg*
2 Over the bar burpees
3 Deadlifts 60/40kg

* 5 burpee penaty if you drop the bar from overhead. You MUST bring it back to front rack position before you dump it.

* Care of Josh

CrossFit & CFE

[Scale: Thruster 50/30kg]
[Scale: Deadlift 50/30kg]

CrossFit Rookie

[Scale: Use comfortable weight on all exercises]