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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 03/03/2014 – 09/03/2014 #withmomentum

Posted 2nd March 2014 by Josh Schouten

Attached is the full CrossFit Hackney class schedule from 03/03/2014 – 09/03/2014

Monday 03/03/2014


KBS Tekkers
4min Tabata KBS (:20:10sec for 8 rounds)

1 Hip Mobility stretch (coaches choice)


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
A-1 Conventional Deadlift 6x 4,3,3,3,2,2 30×0 A-1  6 x 5,5,4,4,3,3 A-1 ME 3RM A-1 5×7
A-2 Couch Stretch / Hip Flexor Stretch (hold each side for :60sec) x4sets


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
10 Rounds of:
5 x Deadlift @ 75% of max weight lifted in A*
10 Press-ups [Scale: Incline Press-ups]
rest :30sec between rounds
* How fast can you complete each round?
8 Rounds 6 Rounds


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
Descending reps from 10,9,8,7…1
Russian KB Swing 32/24
Wall Ball 9/7kg 10/9′
Sit-ups* Care of Josh
[Scale: KBS 24/16kg]
[Scale: Wall Balls 7/5kg]
[Scale: KBS comfortable weight]
[Scale: Wall Balls comfortable weight]

Tuesday 04/03/2014


Clean Tekkers
Push Jerk Tekkers


Work in Partners.  If class is busy some athletes can start on A while others do B

CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
A. Push-Jerks 5 x 2-4reps 30×0 on :90s
B. Neutral Grip Pull-ups (weighted) 5×4-5reps 30×0 on the :90sec
B. DE 3reps EMOM
A. 5 x 6reps
B. [Scale: NG ring rows 5 x10reps]


In Partners Perform 4 Rounds of AMRAP:

CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
:60sec Sheena Divebomb Press-ups
:30sec rest
:60sec Alternating Single Arm KBS 24/16kg
:30sec rest
[Scale: Sheen Divebomb -> Ring Press-ups]
[Scale: KBS 20/12kg]
[Scale: Ring Press-ups, Walk feet away from rig]
[Scale: KBS comfortable weight]


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
Power Clean 70/40kg
* Care of Josh
Either Perform:
Clean WOD [Scale: 60/30kg]
Sumo DLHP 40/25kg
MUST do Sumo DLHP WOD with comfortable weights

Wednesday 05/03/2014


4 Rounds (not for time) of:
5 Persian Press-ups [Scale: Incline Press-ups]
5 TTB [Scale: V-ups]
10 MB Cleans


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
A. Hang Squat Clean 4x3reps @ 75% 1RM on :90sec A. MB Cleans 5 x 10reps rest :30sec
B. Russian KBS 5 x :30sec max reps rest :30sec
C. KB Goblet Squats :30sec max rest rest :30sec
B. Full Squat Cleans 4x4reps @ 65% 1RM on :90sec


10minute EMOM

CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
B-1 Even Minute: Power Clean 3reps @ 65%
B-2 Odd Minute: 3 Split Jerks @ same weight*
* bar starts on the floor
Either Clean and Jerk Capacity
B-1 Even Minute: 5 Ball Slams
B-2 Odd Minute: 5 Thrusters @ 42.5/30kg
MUST perform Ball Slams and Thrusters [Scale: comfortable weight (use DB for thruster if OHP is not comfortable with bar)]


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
3 Rounds for time:
6 Pull-Ups
12KBS 32/20kg
400m RunFINISHER: Perform 100 Body weight standing Calf raises*Care of Josh
[Scale: HeSPU ->Persian Press-ups-> press-ups]
[Scale: KBS 24/16kg]

* Perform 100 Body weight standing Calf raises

[Scale: KBS comfortable weight or goblet squats]* Perform 50 Body weight standing Calf raises

Thursday 06/03/2014


Forward roll Tekkers
Press-up Tekkers (head and hand position)
Headstand Tekkers


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
In partners take it in turns to perform 3 Rounds of each exercise:
A-1 Head Stand Hold :45sec
A-2. ME :45sec Straddle to headstand
A-3 ME:45ec Pike to headstand


wk1-2:Capacity: :30sec of work :30sec of rest for 3 rounds (12minutes)
Half the class does B’s while half the class does C’s

CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
B-1 Strict TTB (Box behind feet)
B-2 Strict Ring Dips (legs in front)
C-1 Candle Stick Rolls to Pistol Squat
C-2 Back Extensions

B-1 [Scale: K2E, V-ups]
B-2 [Scale: Ring Push-ups]
C-1 [Scale: Candle Stick Rolls-> Hollow rocks]
C-2 [Scale: Superman isometric holds]


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
3 Rounds of 3min AMRAP with :60sec rest between rounds:5 L-Hand KB Thruster 24/16
5 R-Hand KB Thruster
10 Pull Ups
20 DU* Care of Josh
[Scale: KB Thrusters 20/12kg]
[Scale: Pull-ups-> Ring Rows]
[Scale: DU = 3 x single skip]
[Scale: KB Thrusters-> 10 Goblet Squat and Press with comfortable weight]

Friday 07/03/2014


Pencil Jumps x 20
Air Squats x 20

Box Jump Tekkers
– Heels down
– Knees out
– Chest up
– Use you arms to jump
– Stretch Shortening Cycle for rebound box jumps

Play a Box Jump Game. Divide the class into 3 even groups
3,2,1.. GO
Perform 5 Box jumps as fast as possible. Last person finished in each group is out.
Rest and go again until only 1 person is left in each group

*When you are out pack you box away and get setup from the strength work


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
A-1 Front Squats 6x 3,3,3,2,2,2 20×0 rst:90sec
A-2 Back Squats 6x 4,3,3,2,2,2 20×0 rst:90sec
A-1 6 x 4,4,3,3,3,2
A-2 6×5,4,4,3,3,3
A. ME 2reps
B. DE 3reps EMOM @ best weight in A.
A-1 5×6
A-2 5×7

Athlete Testing General CrossFit Level 2:

CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
1 Attempt at each test.
Can you do 100 Unbroken Air Squats?
:60sec rest
Can you do 30 Unbroken Press-ups?
:60sec rest
Can you hold a Handstand (on wall) for :60sec?
:60sec rest
Can you do 20 pull-ups (kipping allowed)?
:60sec rest
Can you do 30 V-ups Unbroken?
:60sec rest
Can you run 400m in less than 1:35?


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
12min AMRAP
3 Squat Clean 70/40
6 Front Squats 70/40
9 Box jumps 30/24″
Forced Rest :30 sec* Care of Josh
Either Perform Squat Clean WOD
[Scale: Weight 55/30kg]
[Scale: Box Jump 24/20′]
3 Deadlifts 80/50kg
6 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg
9 Box Jumps 24/20′
Forced Rest :30sec
MUST complete Deadlift Goblet Squat WOD
[Scale: Deadlift to comfortable weight]
[Scale KB Goblet Squat to comfortable weight]
[Scale: Box jump to comfortable height]

Saturday 08/03/2014


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
CrossFit Games WOD 14.2

Sunday 09/03/2014


Snatch Tekkers  (CFR – practice tekkers with stick)


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
A. Snatch High Pulls 3x3reps @ 80% 1RM
B. Squat Snatch from floor 3x4reps @75% 1RM
A-1 Conventional Deadlift 5 x6-8reps on :90sec
A-2 Kneeling Strict Overhead Press 5×6-8 on :90sec


12min EMOM

CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
C-1 Even minute: 4 x Hang Snatch From mid Thigh @ 65% 1RM
C-2 Odd Minute: 5 Wall Ball Throws for height 9/7kg
Either: Hang Snatch Workout
C-1 Even Minute: 4x Deadlift 100/70kg
C-2 Odd minute: 5 Wall Ball Throws for 7/5kg
Even Minute: 10x KBS
Odd Minnute: 5x Box Jumps


CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie
5 OHS 60/40kg*
10 Burpees
15 Box Jumps 24/20″Rest 1:1
* Take bar from floor*Care of StreTch

Either perform OHS WOD (only of you have ROM)
[Scale: OHS 45/30kg]
5 Back Squats 60/40kg
10 Burpees
15 Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 1:1

MUST Perform Back Squat WOD
[Scale: Back Squats to comfortable weight]
[Scale: Box Jumps to comfortable height]