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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 2/3/2014 #withmomentum

Posted 2nd March 2014 by Josh Schouten


“8/02/2014 to be repeated on 02/03/2014”


3 Rounds of
10 KBS with snappy hips
5 Box Jumps

CrossFit Athlete
Warm-up your Snatch and Clean Tekkers for 10min

CrossFit/CrossFit Endurance/ CrossFit Rookie
Warm-up your Front Squat and Sumo Deadlift Tekkers for 10min

WOM Strength

CrossFit Athlete

15min to establish 1 RM Snatch
15min to establish 1 RM Clean

CrossFit/CrossFit Endurance/ CrossFit Rookie
15min to establish 3RM Front Squat
15min to establish 3RM Sumo Deadlift


All Athletes
3 Rounds of:
400m Run
21 KBS 24/26kg
12 Pull-ups

[Scale: KBS 20/12kg]
[Scale: Pull-ups-> Ring Rows]