#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 17/03/2014 – 23/03/2014 #withmomentum
Monday 17/03/2014
400m run
“invisible fran”
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A. Push-Jerks 5 x 1-3reps 20×0 on the 2mins B. Neutral Grip Pull-ups (weighted) 5×3-4reps on the :90sec |
A. DE 2reps EMOM @ 60% of best weight lifter on 03/03/2014 B. ME 3reps |
A. 5 x 6reps B. [Scale: NG ring rows 5 x12reps] |
In partners complete AMRAP in 10min of:
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
5 Strict Ring Dips to L-Sit 5 Inverse hold to pike to L-Sit rowsP1 complete both exercise before P2 Starts Rest while partner completes reps |
[Scale: Dips-> 5 Ring Press-ups + :15sec tuck hold]* [Scale: Inverse hold -> 10 Inverse Ring Rows + 15sec tuck hold]** Partner can sport tuck hold by helping to hold the ring close to partners body] |
LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR THE LONDON BOX BATTLES (please put name on board for competition on 5th April
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
21-15-9 Fran time!! Thruster 42.5/30kg Pull-ups |
[Scale: Thruster to comfortable weight, use DB is OH position is poor] [Scale: Pull-ups-> Ring-Rows] |
Tuesday 18/03/2014
3 Squat clean drills (coaches choice)
Press-up Tekkers (hand release and scales)
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A. Hang Squat Clean 4x2reps @ 80% 1RM on :90sec B. Full Squat Cleans 4x3reps @ 70% 1RM on :90sec |
Practice Clean Tekkers (med-ball to bar) |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
B. every Minute: Power Clean 3reps @ 70% +1 Split Jerks @ same weight* * bar starts on the floor |
Either Clean and Jerk Capacity OR B-1 Even Minute: Squat Jumps B-2 Odd Minute: 6 Thrusters @ 42.5/30kg |
MUST perform Squat Jumps and Thrusters [Scale: comfortable weight (use DB for thruster if OHP is not comfortable with bar)] |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
12 min AMRAP 6 Back Squat 85/60kg from rack 9 HR Press-ups 12 Box Jumps 24/20″*Care of Tom |
[Scale: Back Squat 60/40kg] [Scale: HR Press-ups->Press-ups->Incline Press-ups] [Scale: Box Jump 24/20″-> Comfortable height] |
[Scale: Back Squat comfortable weight] [Scale: Press-ups->Incline Press-ups] [Scale: Box Jump comfortable height] |
Wednesday 19/03/2014
Forward Rolls
Frog Stance
Hollow Rock Holds :45sec
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A-1 Free Standing Handstand Holds 45sec hold (increase difficulty wall->30′ box->24’box->20’box->free standing), rest :45 A-2. ME :45sec Straddle to headstand, rest :45 A-3 ME:45ec Pike to headstand, rest :45 |
Either perform handstands OR 3 Rounds of each: A-1 Head Stand Hold :45sec A-2. ME :45sec Straddle to headstand A-3 ME:45ec Pike to headstand |
:45sec of work and :30sec of rest for 3 rounds (15min)
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
Half the class does B’s while half the class does C’s B-1 Kipping TTB B-2 Kipping Ring Dips C-1 Prone dish on floor holds* C-2 Static OH Weight Plate Holds (butt and belly tight) 25/15kg*lying prone on the floor with feet together and hand reaching overhead. Draw your bell button off the floor and hold. |
B-1 [Scale: K2E, V-ups, Double Crunch] B-2 [Scale: Ring Push-ups] C-1 .. C-2 [Scale: 20/10kg] |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
15min time cap on: 10 Russian Swings 24/16kg 10 single arm swings (L) 10 single arm swings (R) 10 clean and press (L) 10 clean and press (R) 10 snatch (L) 10 snatch (R) 8 Russian Swings 24/16kg 8 clean and press (L) 8 clean and press (R) 8 snatch (L) 8 snatch (R) etc…6,4,2*Care of Tom |
[Scale: KB 20/12kg] | [Scale: KB Comfortable weight]* Do all exercises except the KB Snatches |
Thursday 20/03/2014
5 x Power Snatch empty bar
10 Walking Lunges
3 x 5 Deadlift warm-up sets (increase weight each set ready for A-1)
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A-1 Conventional Deadlift 6x 3,3,2,2,2,2 20×0 A-2 Couch Stretch / Hip Flexor Stretch (hold each side for :60sec) 3sets |
A-1 6 x 5,4,4,3,3,2 A-2.. |
A-1 DE Conventional Deadlift 3reps @ 70% best weight lifted on 02/03/2014 EMOM for 10minutes A-2 Between rounds perform couch stretch (only 3 sets) |
A-1 5×5 A-2.. |
Rest 60sec between rounds:
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
5 Rounds of: Perform 3 x Deadlift @ 80% of max weight lifted in A* and 10 Burpees * How fast can you complete a round? |
4 Rounds | 3-4 Rounds |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
10 min AMRAP: 5 Power Snatches 50/30kg 5 K2E 5 Box Jumps 30/24′ * Care of Josh |
[Scale: Snatch, Clean and Press, Front Squat] [Scale: Box Jumps to comfortable height] |
[Scale: Front Squat, Goblet Squat][Scale: K2E, V-ups, Alternating V-ups, Double Crunch] |
Friday 21/03/2014
Teach Burpee Tekkers
3 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 Air Squats
15 Pencil Jumps
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A-1 Front Squats 6x 2 20×0 rst:90sec A-2 Back Squats 6x 3,3,3,2,2,2 20×0, rest:90sec |
A-1 6 x 3 A-2 6×4,4,4,3,3,3 |
A. DE 2reps @ 70% best weight performed on 06/03/2014 B. ME 3reps |
A-1 5×5 A-2 5×6 |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
General CrossFit Fitness (level 2) Tests: 1 Attempt at each test. In 5 minutes whats the highest number of unbroken DU you can do? Rest:60sec Can you hold and L-sit for :30sec? Rest 60sec Can you do 50 Wallballs Unbroken? Rest:60sec Can you run 800m in less than 3:20? |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
4 rounds, each for time: 15 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′ 200m sprint 4 Burpees rest :60 15 Wall Balls 200m sprint 3 Burpees rest :60 .. Burpees go down with each round! Try to keep round time consistent.* Care of Tom and StreTch |
[Scale: 3 Rounds, Wall Ball to comfortable weight and height] |
Saturday 22/03/2014
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
CrossFit Open WOD 14.4 |
Sunday 23/03/2014
Teach Thruster Tekkers
3 Squat Snatch Drills (coaches choice)
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A. Snatch High Pulls 3x3reps @ 85% 1RM B. Squat Snatch from floor 3x4reps @80% 1RM |
A-1 Practice Snatch High Pull Tekkers 3 x 5-6reps A-2 Practice Snatch Balance (use stick if bar OH position is poor) |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
Even minute: 4 x Power Snatch From @ 70% 1RM Odd Minute: :30sec Later Over the box Jumps (mid shine height) |
Either: Power Snatch Workout OR Even Minute: 5x Front Squat from rack Odd minute: :30sec x Tuck Jumps |
MUST do Front squats and Tuck Jumps |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
3minute Power Output:Thruster – you choose the weight. Max reps in 3 min. You can not change the weight once you start so choose wisely.rest 3 min then:7 rounds: 7 K2E 7 Burpees 7 Press-ups* Stretch Hip Flexors at the end of classCare of Josh and StreTch |
3min Max Thruster reps with the bar 20/15kg (if OH position is poor use DB) 3min rest 5 rounds of: 7 K2E [Scale: V-ups, Double Crunch] 7 Burpees 7 Press-ups [Scale: Use band, incline] |