#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 24/03/2014 – 30/03/2014 #withmomentum
Monday 24/03/2014
3 Rounds of:
20 Prisoner Jumps (hands on head, jump on the balls of your feet)
15 Wall Balls*
10 Squat Jumps*
rest :60sec
* Focus on keeping knees out and dropping into the bottom of the squat quickly to use the stretch shortening cycle to bounce out.
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A. Push-Jerks 5 x 1-3reps 20×0 on the 2mins B. Neutral Grip Pull-ups (weighted) 5×3-4reps on the :90sec |
A. DE 2reps EMOM @ 60% of best weight lifter on 03/03/2014 B. ME 3reps |
A. 5 x 6reps B. [Scale: NG ring rows 5 x12reps] |
In partners complete AMRAP in 10min of:
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
5x (1 Strict Ring Dips + 1 L-Sit) 5x (Inverse hold + Pike, rollout to L-Sit in Chin-up position)P1 complete both exercise before P2 Starts Rest while partner completes reps |
[Scale: Dips to: 5 Ring Press-ups + 15sec tuck hold]* [Scale: Inverse hold to: 10 Inverse Ring Rows + 15sec tuck hold]** Partner can spot tuck hold by helping to hold the ring close to partners body] |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
12min AMRAP of: 6 Handstand Press-Ups 9 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′ 12 Squat Jump and reach (must touch the rig) |
12min AMRAP of: 6 Press-ups 9 Wall Balls 9/7kg 9/5′ 12 Squat Jump and reach (must touch the rig) |
[Scale: press-ups, incline press-ups] [Scale: Wallball to comfortable weight and height] |
Tuesday 25/03/2014
Press-up Tekkers with feet together Burpee Tekkers with: – feet together when you jump into the press-up position (adds more stability) – when jumping forward you have 2 option: A. Jump forward with your feet landing inside your hands B. Jump your with your feet landing outside your handsOption A keeps more tension in the system and can be efficient when not fatigued and you forward jump fires your hips up in the air. Option B removes tension from the system and most athletes will default to this position as they start to fatigue. |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A-1 Conventional Deadlift 6x 3,3,2,2,2,2 20×0 A-2 Couch Stretch / Hip Flexor Stretch (hold each side for :60sec) 3sets |
A-1 6 x 5,4,4,3,3,2 A-2.. |
A-1 DE Conventional Deadlift 3reps @ 70% best weight lifted on 02/03/2014 EMOM for 10minutes A-2 Between rounds perform couch stretch (only 3 sets) |
A-1 5×5 A-2.. |
EMOM for 10minutes
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
Perform 3 x Deadlift @ 80% of max weight lifted in A* and 10 Burpees * How fast can you complete a round? |
Perform 3 x Deadlift @ 80% of max weight lifted in A* and 8 Burpees |
Perform 3 x Deadlift and 6 Burpees |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
21-15-9 Thrusters 42.5/30kg Over the bar burpees |
[Scale: Thruster to comfortable weight. If OH position is poor use DB’s with nutral grip] |
Wednesday 26/03/2014
– Hollow Body Holds (dish) 2 x :30sec holds (start in V-up position and lower arms and legs as low as you can while keeping your lower back on the floor)- Hollow Body to tuck up (double crunch) 2 x 10reps- Hollow Body to straddle-up (same as v-up, but legs apart) 2 x 10reps-Hollow Body to V-up 2 x10reps |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
15minutes to practice Free Standing Handstands*The Levels of progression are: L1: Handstand against wall :45sec hold L2: Handstand against 30′ Box :45sec hold L3: Handstand against 24′ Box :45sec hold L3: Free Standing Handstand ALAP*If you can not handstand, practice headstands with the same progressionsAs the levels increase you have less support behind you. The “leg leaver” increases to challenge balance and midline control. |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
B. 10 Rounds of 5x Kipping TTB, rest :15sec between rounds C. 10 Rounds of 5x Kipping Ring Dips, rest :15sec between rounds |
B [Scale: K2E, hanging Knee Raises] C [Scale: Ring Push-ups] |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
6 Rounds of:5 L-Hand KB Squat Cleans 24/16kg 5 R-Hand KB Squat Cleans 10 V-ups |
5 Rounds [Scale: KB 20/12kg] [Scale: V-ups, Alternating V-ups, Dbl Crunch] |
5 Rounds 10KB Goblet Squats [comfortable weight] 15 Ab-mat sit-ups |
Thursday 27/03/2014
10mins to complete 3 Clean drills (coaches choice)
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A. Hang Squat Clean 4x2reps @ 80% 1RM on :90sec B. Full Squat Cleans 4x3reps @ 70% 1RM on :90sec |
Practice Clean Tekkers (med-ball to bar) |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
B. EMOM Power Clean 3reps @ 70% +1 STOH | Either Clean and Jerk Capacity OR B-1 Even Minute: 10x Squat Jumps B-2 Odd Minute: 5x Front Squats |
MUST perform Squat Jumps and Front Squat |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
Box Battle WOD 2. (in teams of 2)
10min AMRAP:
*Teams of 2 to work through reps together. As long as the number of reps are completed in the correct order, it doesn’t matter who does what.After completing 10 cleans they move onto 20 TTB |
10min AMRAP: 10 Clean 60/40kg 20 K2E 30 Over the bar burpees |
10min AMRAP: 10 Clean 50/30kg 20 Hanging Knee Raises (knees above hip line) 30 Over the bar burpees |
Friday 28/03/2014
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
5 Front Squats
5 Back Squats
rest :60sec
(increase weight on squats each round)
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A-1 Front Squats 6x 2 20×0 rst:90sec A-2 Back Squats 6x 3,3,3,2,2,2 20×0, rest:90sec |
A-1 6 x 3 A-2 6×4,4,4,3,3,3 |
A. DE 2reps @ 70% best weight performed on 06/03/2014 B. ME 3reps |
A-1 5×5 A-2 5×6 |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
General CrossFit Fitness (level 2) Tests: 1 Attempt at each test. In 5 minutes whats the highest number of unbroken DU you can do? Rest:60sec Can you hold and L-sit for :30sec? Rest 60sec Can you do 50 Wallballs Unbroken? Rest:60sec Can you run 800m in less than 3:20? |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
AMRAP in 10 mins: 10 Pull Ups 20 Press-ups 30 Air Squats |
[Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows] [Scale: Press-ups, Incline] |
Saturday 29/03/2014
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
CrossFit Open WOD 14.5 |
Sunday 30/03/2014
10mins to complete 3 Snatch Drills (coaches choice)
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
A. Snatch High Pulls 3x3reps @ 85% 1RM B. Squat Snatch from floor 3x4reps @80% 1RM |
A-1 Practice Snatch High Pull Tekkers 3 x 5-6reps A-2 Practice Snatch Balance (use stick if bar OH position is poor) |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
Even minute: 4 x Power Snatch From @ 70% 1RM Odd Minute: :30sec Later Over the box Jumps (mid shine height) |
Either: Power Snatch Workout OR Even Minute: 5x Front Squat from rack Odd minute: :30sec x Tuck Jumps |
MUST do Front squats and Tuck Jumps |
CrossFit Athlete | CrossFit | CrossFit Endurance | CrossFit Rookie |
“Nancy” Five rounds of:400m run 15 OHS 42.5/30kg |
[Scale: OHS 35/25kg, If OHS is poor do front squats] | 4 Rounds of: 400m run 15 KB Goblet Squats (challenging weight) |