CrossFit Hackney Weekly WOD’s 28/04/2014 – 04/05/2014
Monday 28/04/2014
Warm-up |
10 Air SquatsHold bottom of Squat for :60sec (move around in the bottom position)
-then- 3 rounds: 8reps Back Squat (start with empty bar and increase weight each set) |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | A-1 Isometric Back Squat @55-65%, 4 x 8-10,32×0, rest :60sec A-2 Back Extensions 4x 10-12, 31×0, rest :90sec |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | A. DE: 2reps EMOM for 12minutes @60-70% |
CrossFit Rookie | A-1.Back Squats (no pause), 3 x 12-15, rest :60sec A-2 Band Pull-throughs 3 x 12-15, 30×0, rest :90sec |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | 20 Breathing Squats – then no rest – 20 Lat Pull-Overs 30×0 (use reebok step for bench)*•Use a weight that you would normally do for 12 reps, but tell yourself that you’ll accept nothing less than 20! •Unrack the bar and take a couple of deep breaths, and then inhale as you begin your descent. Keep your back flat—no rounding—and your eyes focused straight ahead. •Make sure you hit full depth in the squat, explode, but don’t bounce, out of the squat and ram the weight back up to the starting position as you exhale. •Take 3 deep breaths before you start your second descent as you inhale for the fourth time. You’ll never take less than three deep breaths between reps, and after about your 10th rep you’ll probably need six to 10 breaths to keep going. •Do everything in your power to get 20 reps. Don’t quit.*For the pullover, use a weightplate, DB, or a WallBall |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | For time: 50 DU 25 Press-ups 50 Air squats 25 Pull-ups 50 Walking lunges 25 Burpees 50 DU |
CrossFit | [Scale: 3 x singles = 1 DU] [Scale: Press-ups, incline press-ups] [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Capacity | For time: 30 DU 20 Press-ups 30 Air squats 20 Ring-Rows 30 Walking lunges 20 Burpees 30 DU |
Tuesday 29/04/2014
Warm-up |
3 Rounds of:10 KB SDHP10 B/o Rows with KB10 Press-ups (hands on 1 KB) |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | A-1 Eccentric Flat Bench Press, 4 x 6-8, 50×0, rest :60sec A-2 BB Bent-Over Rows, 4 x 8-10, 30×0, rest :90sec |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | A-1 ME: 2RM Bench A-2 DE: 3reps |
CrossFit Rookie | A-1 4 x 8-10, 40×0 A-2 4 x 8-10, 30×0 [Scale: DB] |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | 4 Rounds of: (12minutes) 10 Kipping pull-ups rest :30sec 10 Push-ups rest :30sec :30sec ME DU rest :30sec |
CrossFit | [Scale: Kipping pull-ups, Ring Rows] [Scale: Push-ups, Incline Push-up] [Scale: 3 x single = 1 DU] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 100 DU Buy in21-15-9 SDHP 42.5 / 30 Down and Ups100 DU Cash out |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Capacity | [Scale: SDHP use KB] [Scale: 3 singles = 1 DU] |
Wednesday 30/04/2014
Warm-up |
Gymnastics Warm-up: 2 Rounds of: 20 Start Jumps 15 Shoulder Passthroughs (stick or band) 10 Push-ups-then-3 Rounds of: 10m Walking Lunges 10m Crab Walk Back (keep hips high and thumbs point in the direction you are moving) |
Gymnastics | |
CrossFit Athlete | 4 Rounds (16minutes) :30sec work, :30sec rest Gym Circuit: :30sec Bar Muscle-ups/Kipping Hips to Bar/Kipping toes-to-rings/Kipping :30sec Parralet Pass-Throughs (use boxes, if tall add weight plates to increase height of box) :30sec ME R-leg Pistol Squats :30sec ME L-leg Pistol SquatsPistol Levels: L1: Sit on a box L2: Use support for assistance L3: Heel elevated L4: Use weight for counterbalance L5: Pistol Squat |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 12 min AMRAP: 5 L-seat Ring Pull-ups 5 Ring Dips 200m Med ball run (9/7kg) |
CrossFit | Either perform pull-up WOD -or- 5 V-ups 5 Ring Rows 5 Push-ups [Scale: incline] 200m Meb Ball Carry (9/7kg] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Capacity |
Thursday 01/05/2014
Warm-up |
With and empty bar perform:10 Deadlifts10 RDLS10 B/O Rows3 Rounds |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | A. Deadlift from 2cm podium, 5x 6-8, 31×0, rest :90sec |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | A. ME 4RM |
CrossFit Rookie | A. 4 x 10-12 |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | 3 Rounds of: B-1 BB RDL, 5x 6-10, 30×0, rest :45sec B-2 Front Rack KB, Walking Lunges. 5 x 28-30, rest :60sec |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Bodyweight Lunges] |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 10min AMRAP of: 9 OHS 42.5/ 30kg 15 Russian KBS 32/20kg 21 DU |
CrossFit | Either OHS WOD [Scale: OHS 30/20kg] [Scale: KBS: 24/16kg] [Scale: 3 x Single = 1 DU] -OR- 9 Front Squat 45/35kg 15 Russian KBS 24/16kg 21 DU |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Capacity | MUST DO: 9 KB Goblet Squats 15 KBS [Scale: comfortable weight] 21 DU [Scale: 3 singles = 1 DU] |
Friday 02/05/2014
Warm-up |
With a single KB perform20 KBS
10 KB- Clean (ea arm) 10 KB Clean and Press (ea arm) |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | A-1 Eccentric Push-Press, 5 x 6-8, 40×0, rest :60sec A-2 Rope-Pull-ups, 5 x 8-10, 20×0, rest :60sec |
CrossFit | A-1.. A-2 [Scale: Inverse Rope Climbs 4 time up-and-down] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | 10min AMRAP Work in groups of 3 YGIG 2xKB Clean and Press x 6reps (use a weight that is challenging, but maintain good form)* Only rest as long as it take your partner’s to complete their reps |
CrossFit | Either Perform Dbl KB Capacity -OR- 6 Deadlifts 50/35kg 6 BB Push Press 50/35kg |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | Must perform Deadlift and PP Capacity. |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 9 min AMRAP 5 Pull-ups 5 Press-ups 5 Pull-ups 10 Press-ups 5 Pull-ups 15 Press-ups |
CrossFit | [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows] [Scale: Press-ups, Incline Press-ups] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Capacity |
Saturday 03/05/2014
Warm-up |
With a stick perform the following drills:Pass Throughs
OHS/Snatch Balance Power Snatch Squat Snatch |
Olympic | |
CrossFit Athlete | 3×3 Power Snatch (light weight, warm-up)3×3 Snatch Balance (light weight, snatch bar from floor)-Then-
EMOM 10min 1 Squat Snatch + 2 OHS |
CrossFit | Either perform Snatch and OHS-OR-(If OHS is poor)
3×4 Power Snatch from hang 3×4 Power Snatch from floor -Then- EMOM 10min 1 Power Snatch from hang + 1 Power Snatch from floor |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | EMOM 10minDeath by Thruster 50/35kg1st min do 1rep
2nd min do 2 reps … if you fail to complete all repetition rest :60sec an repeat the set you failed |
CrossFit | [Scale: Thruster 42.5/30] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Thruster to comfortable weight] |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:1 minute of 30/24-inch box jumps1 minute of sumo deadlift high-pulls 50/35kg
2 minutes of 30/24-inch box jumps 2 minutes of sumo deadlift high-pulls 50/35kg 3 minutes of 30/24-inch box jumps 3 minutes sumo deadlift high-pulls 50/35kg |
CrossFit | [Scale: Box Jump 24/20-inch] [Scale: SDHP 40/30kg] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Capacity | [Scale: Box Jump to comfortable height] [Scale: SDHP to comfortable KB weight] |
Sunday 04/05/2014
Warm-up |
Calf / hip mobilityAir squats / holds |
Recovery Sunday | |
CrossFit Athlete | In partners 12 mins work YGIG format: 8 Back Squats @ 50%* 8 Press-ups*Move as fast a possible- then rest 3mins – 4min MAX reps each station (12min total). P1 works while P2 rests – Rest 2min – Station2: 10 KBS – Rest 2 mins – Station 3: Pull-ups – Rest 2 mins –
– then rest 3min – 800m sprint! |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |