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CrossFit Hackney Weekly WODs 12/05/2014 – 18/05/2014

Posted 11th May 2014 by Josh Schouten

Monday 12/04/2014

3 Rounds of:15,10,5Burpees



CrossFit Athlete A-1 Back Squat  1 1/4 (bottom), 5 x 6-8, rest :60secA-2 Back Extensions 4x 12-15, rest :90sec
CrossFit Endurance A. DE: 3reps EMOM for 10minutes @50-60%
CrossFit Rookie A-1.Back Squats (no 1/4 rep),  3 x 12-15, rest :60secA-2 Band Pull-throughs 3 x 12-15, 30×0, rest :90sec
CrossFit Athlete 20 Breathing Squats
– then no rest –
20 Lat Pull-Overs 30×0 (use reebok step for bench)*•Use a weight that you would normally do for 12 reps, but tell yourself that you’ll accept nothing less than 20!
•Unrack the bar and take a couple of deep breaths, and then inhale as you begin your descent. Keep your back flat—no rounding—and your eyes focused straight ahead.
•Make sure you hit full depth in the squat, explode, but don’t bounce, out of the squat and ram the weight back up to the starting position as you exhale.
•Take 3 deep breaths before you start your second descent as you inhale for the fourth time. You’ll never take less than three deep breaths between reps, and after about your 10th rep you’ll probably need six to 10 breaths to keep going.
•Do everything in your power to get 20 reps. Don’t quit.*For the pullover, use a weightplate, DB, or a WallBall
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


CrossFit Athlete 10min AMRAP3,6,9,12,15… etcBurpeesKBS 24/16kg
CrossFit [Scale: KBS 20/12kg]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie [Scale: KBS: comfortable weight]

Tuesday 13/04/2014

 Together in partners compete30 Air Squats  (1rep at a time each YGIG)20 Partner Wall Balls10 Press-ups each


CrossFit Athlete A-1 Eccentric Flat Bench Press, 4 x 5-7, 50×0, rest :60secA-2 BB Bent-Over Rows, 4 x 7-9, 30×0, rest :90sec
CrossFit Endurance A-1 DE: 3reps BenchA-2 ME: 2reps
CrossFit Rookie A-1 4 x 8-10, 40x0A-2 4 x 8-10, 30×0 [Scale: DB]


CrossFit Athlete 4 Rounds of: (12minutes)10 Wall Balls Throws for Max height (ball hits ground each time) 9/7kgrest :30sec10 KB DLHP 24/16kgrest :30sec

:30sec ME DU

rest :30sec

CrossFit [Scale: Wall Ball 7/5kg][Scale: KB 20/12kg][Scale: 3 x single = 1 DU]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


CrossFit Athlete Ladder Up 1,2,3,4,5…10reps of:Pull-upsAir Squats-the no rest -Ladder Down10,9,8,7,6….1reps of:

Wall-balls 9/7kg 10/9′


CrossFit [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie [Scale: Wall Ball to comfortable height and weight]

Wednesday 14/04/2014

Gymnastics Warm-up:
2 Rounds of:
20 Start Jumps
15 Shoulder Passthroughs (stick or band)
10 Push-ups-then-3 Rounds of:
10m Walking Lunges
10m Crab Walk Back (keep hips high and thumbs point in the direction you are moving)


CrossFit Athlete 4 Rounds (16minutes) :30sec work, :30sec restGym Circuit:1. Candle Stick Rolls2. Bar Muscle-ups/Kipping Hips to Bar/Kipping toes-to-rings/Kipping3. Hollow Rocks4. Alternating Pistol Squats 

Pistol Levels:

L1: Sit on a box

L2: Use support for assistance

L3: Heel elevated

L4: Use weight for counterbalance

L5: Pistol Squat

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


CrossFit Athlete 12min AMRAP of:3 Wall Walks (chest to floor, chest to the wall)6 K2E9 Air Squats
CrossFit [Scale: Wall Walk, Hand walk-ins and outs][Scale: K2E, Hanging Knee Raises]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie

Thursday 15/05/2014

  Tekkers:Single Arm KBSKB CleanKB Clean and PressKB Snatch


CrossFit Athlete A. Deadlift from 2cm podium, 5x 5-7, 31×0, rest :90sec
CrossFit Endurance A. ME 3RM
CrossFit Rookie A. 4x 8-10


CrossFit Athlete 3 Rounds of:
B-1 BB RDL, 5x 6-10, 30×0, rest :45sec
B-2 Front Rack KB, Walking Lunges. 5 x 28-30, rest :45sec
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie [Scale: Bodyweight Lunges]


CrossFit Athlete 3 Rounds of:3 min work: 1 min rest10 Alternating KB Snatch 24/16kg10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20′
CrossFit Either perform KB Snatch WOD[Scale: KB 20/12kg]-OR-10 Alternating KB Clean and Press10 BBJ 23/20′
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie MUST Perform:10 Single Arm KBS10 BBJ [Scale: comfortable height]


Friday 16/05/2014

 10 Air Squats, hands on hips10 Air Squats, hands on heads10 Air Squats, hands reaching as high as possible

Practice Weight Plate Ground to Overhead

Weight Plate Deadlift

Weight Plate Clean

Weight Plate Press


CrossFit Athlete A-1 Eccentric Push-Press, 5 x 5-7, 40×0, rest :60secA-2 Rope-Pull-ups, 5 x 10-12, 20×0, rest :60sec
CrossFit A-1..A-2 [Scale: Inverse Rope Climbs 5 time up-and-down]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


CrossFit Athlete 5 rounds:8 Chin-upsrest :30sec8 BB Push Press 50/35kg (link the reps)*rest :30


* Take bar from floor

CrossFit [Scale: Pull-ups, 10 Ring Rows][Scale: Push Press 45/30kg]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie [Scale: Pull-ups, 10 Ring Rows][Scale: Push Press to comfortable weight]


CrossFit Athlete P1 does part 1 while P2 dose part 2.Once both partners have completed 3 rounds they swap.  P2 does part 1 and P2 does part 2.3 Rounds of:Part 1:10 Weight Plate Ground to Overhead 20/15kg

30 OH Walking Lunges

(if you put the weight plate down you must do 5 burpees)


3 Rounds of:

Part 2:

8 Front Squats 2xKB 24/16kg

60 Steps KB Farmers Carry

(if you put the KBs down you must do 5 burpees)

CrossFit [Scale: Weight Plate 15/10kg][Scale: KB 20/12kg]
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie [Scale: Weight Plate to comfortable weight][Scale: KB Squat to DB Squat comfortable weight]*Use DB for farmers Carry

Saturday 17/05/2014

 10min Clean Drills – Coaches Choice


CrossFit Athlete Set the clock to count down from 24minutes.EMOM for 5minutes perform:3 Power Clean from hang (light weight, just warm-up)-then rest 2min-

EMOM for 5minutes perform:

2 Power Clean from floor +  1 Front Squat (increase weight to 70-80%)

-then rest 2min-

EMOM 10min

1 Deadlift

1 Power Clean from hang

1 Squat Clean from floor

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie


CrossFit Athlete Partners DanielTogether as a team you must complete the following reps (both partners must do the running, share the pull-up and thruster reps)

For time:
50 Pull-ups
400-meter run
21 thruster 42.5/30kg
800-meter run
21 thruster 42.5/30kg
400-meter run
50 pull-ups

20min time cap.

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows][Scale: Thruster to comfortable weight]

Sunday 18/05/2014

Calf / hip mobilityAir squats / holds


Recovery Sunday
CrossFit Athlete Scale all movements to appropriate level:Warm up / Mobility 10 minsBB complex (empty bar warm-up 2 rounds)Deadlift 10BOR 10

Power clean 10

Front squat 10

OH press 10

Back squat 10



5 Rounds of BB complex (male 30 kg / female 20 kg)

(Aim is to not put bar down during complex)

Rest :60sec between rounds


7 Rounds of:

:60sec Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′

:60sec Rest

reps per minute?


-then rest 3minutes-


Walking lunges 250 steps @bw


Stretching / rolling

CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Rookie