CrossFit Hackney Weekly WODs 26/05/2014 – 01/06/2014
Monday 26/04/2014
Warm-up |
3 Hang Clean Drills (coaches choice) |
Olympic | |
CrossFit Athlete | 12min EMOM1+1 – High Pull, Hang Clean @ 70% |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | EMOM for 12min3 x Back Squat 20×0 |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 16min AMRAP50 KBS 24/16kg50 Body Weight Walking Lunges (25ea leg)50 Ab Mat Sit ups200m Run |
CrossFit | [Scale: KBS 20/12kg] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: KBS to comfortable weight] |
Tuesday 27/04/2014
Warm-up |
3 Rounds of:20 Hollow Rocks10 Press-ups5 Burpees |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | A-1 Bench Press 5×5 Reps @ 20x0A-2 Chin Ups 5×5 reps @ 20×0 |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | A-1 4x 6-8A-2 4x 6-8 Ring Rows @ 2110 |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | 4 rounds (12 mins) 40/20secB-1 Walk on hands with Frizzby under Feet.B-2 BB RolloutsB-3 Ball Slams |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 10min AMRAPTabata alternate between these two movements-Kipping Pull-ups (no butterfly)Burpees
This wod is 10 minutes long. Start the clock and do 20 seconds of pull-ups followed by 10 seconds rest. Then do 20 seconds of burpees followed by 10 seconds rest. Continue that pattern for 10 minutes and count your total reps. |
CrossFit | [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows] |
Wednesday 28/04/2014
Warm-up |
Clean Tekkers |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | A-1 RFE / FFE Split Squat 5 x 12el@31×1 :60A-2 Frisbee Hamstring Curl 5 x 20 @ 40×0 :60 |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | 4 Rounds of:30 Walking Lunges 26-30 steps rest :6012 TTB rest :60 |
CrossFit | [Scale: TTB, K2E, Hanging Knee Raises, V-ups] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 15min AMRAP3 Rounds of 3min work, 2min rest3 Cleans 60/40kg 6 Thrusters 60/40kg 9 Air Squats * After each rest start back at the cleans |
CrossFit | [Scale: Weight on bar 45/30] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Comfortable weight] |
Thursday 29/05/2014
Warm-up |
Snatch Tekkers |
Olympic | |
CrossFit Athlete | 20min to work on the following complex. 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift
1 Snatch High Pull 1 Hang Power Snatch 2 OHS |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | Use a stick or empty bar1 Snatch Grip Deadlift1 Snatch High Pull1 Hang Power Snatch1 Snatch Press1 OHS |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | Karen 150 Wall Balls for time |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | 100 Wall Balls for time |
Friday 30/05/2014
Warm-up |
4min Single Skipsevery time you trip you must do 5 press-ups |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | 8min EMOM4 Strict Press (in front or behind depending on ROM)-then-
8min EMOM 4 Pull Up (weighted) [Scale: Use band] |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | 4 Rounds 45/45Round the world Sheena Press-Ups1 Arm DB / KB Row |
CrossFit | [Scale: Incline Sheena Press-up (put sheena on weight plates)] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | for time:100 DU50 Press Ups
100 Air Squats* 50 Pull Ups 100 DU Every time you stop in the air squats you must do 1 burpee before continuing |
CrossFit | [Scale: Press-ups, Incline Press-ups] [Scale: 3 x Single = 1 DU] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Saturday 31/05/2014
Warm-up |
10 Push-upsDish Hold :30sec
10 Push-ups (reverse hands, fingers pointing towards toes) Headstand hold :30sec 10 Persian Press-ups on Sheena Feet on Box, Stack hips on top of ribcage holds :30sec 5 Feet on Box HeSPU Handstand Hold against wall :30sec 5 HeSPU against wall
Olympic | |
CrossFit Athlete | Work in Partners YGIG 10 rounds (not for time)1 Clean Pull @ 50-60% 1 High Hang Clean 1 Mid-Hang Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Squat Clean |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOM | ||
CrossFit Athlete |
THE WOM IS BACK DIANE 21-15-9 HeSPU Deadlifts 102.5/70kg Northern Hemisphere V’s Southern Hemisphere (Scores calculated on the top 5 male and top 5 female finishes at the end of June)
CrossFit | [Scale: HeSPU, Feet on Box, Persian Press-ups, Press-ups, Incline Press-ups] | |
CrossFit Endurance | ||
CrossFit Rookie |
Sunday 01/06/2014
Warm-up |
Hip/Shoulder MOB |
Recovery Sunday | |
CrossFit Athlete | Start with: Girls 15kg bar, Guys 35kg15mins to work:2x Strict Press + 2x Push Press + 2x Jerk: Add 5kg every set. When you cannot do the full six reps anymore add 5kg and do 2x Push Press + 2x Jerk Add 5kg every set. When you cannot do four reps anymore add 5kg and do 2x Jerk Go until you cannot do 2x Jerk-then rest 3min- (8min) 3 rounds of: 2x (30sec Work/30sec Rest) Push Press rest :60 between rounds -then- 100 Start Jumps (only raise arms parallel to floor) -then- 3 Rounds (18min) Fight Gone Bad Style (:60sec each station) – Box Jumps 24/20′ – Deadlift High Pull 30/25kg – Wall Balls – Ring Rows – Battle Ropes Double Slam – Rest :60
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |