CrossFit Hackney Skills: HeSPU – week 2
In HeSPU – week 1 we looked at midline stability, ways to improve pressing strength, practiced headstands, and the kipping motion on the floor. This week we continue with the midline stability, improving strength and further developing the skill to perfect you kipping HeSPU.
Warm-up and Midline Stability for Handstands
7 min isometric holds (midline stability / Shapes) (taken from mentorship course at
– High Plank with toes pointed (also know as front support)
– Side Plank (left)
– Side Plank (right)
– Low Plank (increase difficulty with prone arch walk outs (taken from
– Cobra (superman)
– Reverse Plank
– Dish (hollow position)*
Static Shaping
In partners take it in turns to perform
2×0:30 Prone Dish holds with partner resistance
– draw stomach off the floor
– hands stretched out overhead
– legs together with toes pointed
– partner applying pressure to outstretched hands, push against the pressure (active shoulders)
* if you can not maintain midline flexion shorted the leavers (bend you knees to bring you heels closer to your body)
2×0:30 Hollow Hold on Hands and Feet
– start in a press-up position
– walk you wands out as far as you can
– maintain hollow position, do not let the hips drop
– push you head towards the ground, through you outstretched arms, push against the pressure (active shoulders)
2×0:30 Dish Hold with partner resistance
– Lying on your back perform create a hollow dish position
– Legs off the ground and feet pointed
– Arms reaching out above your head
– Maintain midline flexion as your partner applies pressure to your outstretched hands
* if you can not maintain midline flexion shorted the leavers (bend you knees to bring you heels closer to your body)
From HeSPU – week 1 you should know you strength capabilities. It is important that you don’t aim to sprint before you can walk. Select the exercise that you know you can do:
Perform 3 rounds of the appropriate exercise:
Eccentric Press-ups
3 x 8reps with 5sec eccentric (you do not need to press backup, simply lower yourself slowly for each rep
Eccentric Overhead Press
3 x 8reps with 5sec eccentric (you may use a push-press to get the weight back up, how heavy can you go?) You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell.
Eccentric HeSPU
3 x ME with 5 sec eccentric (when you can not control the eccentric motion for 5sec stop). You can either kick-up to handstand between each rep, or you can use a kipping HeSPU to kick-up for each rep.
Recap week 1 – Taking the HeSPU to the floor
Taking it to the wall:
– Can you perform a wall walk with solid midline flexion:
- With your feet touching the wall, lye down in a push up position
- Press-up and then walk your feet up the wall. Do not move your hands
- Your eyes should be looking at your feet, and your head should be pressed down towards the floor (pushing them between you arms)
- Walk your feet up the wall as far as you can, maintain midline flexion and hold this position for :30sec
Taking the floor kipping to the wall (from
– Can you perform a headstand and then kick up to the wall?
- With your feet touching the wall, lye down in a push up position
- Perform a headstand with kneed stacked on your elbows
- Focus you eyes up on the wall where you feet where in the wall walk
- This is the hard part, you need to kick with your legs and press with your arms at the same time to propel your feet up against the wall. You must keep you midline tight and land in a hollow (flexed) position.
- You must also push your head forward towards the wall as you land. Look up at your feet.
- Progression: If you can achieve this you can then start moving you hands closer to the wall and kick up at a greater angle.