The team at Momentum Training (MT) would like to thank everyone who helped us celebrate our first birthday. It’s hard to believe MT has only been open for 1 year. Its great to see the box full of people who are enjoying training and making noticeable improvements in body composition, strength, fitness and looking good with their shirts off (according to the last news letter). All of you have helped make the box a fantastic place to train and a great community to be a part of. SO THANK YOU!!
As we tick over into our second year, it’s a great feeling to have the box full of members who are keen to train. A small number of our popular classes now have wait list and all of our coaches are very busy delivering more personal training session.
Don’t you hate it when your Saturday morning class is fully booked? Or when you are on the wait list for heavy met-con? The FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a great motivational tool for many of our members, but it’s a real shame when people fail to turn up for a class and don’t unregister. Nobody likes to miss out.
As the box starts to reach its capacity we have made the decision to trial some small changes that will hopefully allow all of our members to benefit.
We have added an Open Gym session from 6-7:30pm on Friday nights (starting on the 20/07/2014). At this time the barbell club will be running in the main room. We are going to trial and Open Gym session in the front room during this time. Note this class will be cancelled when the Hackney Hustle is on every 6 weeks.
As the weather gets warmer again we are glad to welcome Katerina back to teach yoga in the arch. All members will have access to this class as one of their allocated session.
Up until now the unlimited membership has been uncapped and this has allowed members to book into multiple classes on the same day. We’ve spoken about overtraining in the past, and as health and fitness professional we know that training more than once per day is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. To be honest training 7 days a week is not recommended, as our bodies grow leaner, fitter and stronger when they have the chance to rest and recover from training.
Therefore we have decided to cap the unlimited membership to 7 sessions per week, excluding Open Gym and the Skills Classes. Please note if you book onto a class and failed to unregister 90minutes before the class, this will count as one of your sessions. The aim of this is to:
- Encourage members to train smart and not overtraining
- Free up the spaces where unlimited members are booking onto multiple classes in the same day
We will also be implementing the rule that NOBODY is allowed to do 2 classes back-to-back. Training for 2hours solid is not productive. If you have the energy to do 2 sessions back-to-back you are not trying hard enough in the first hour. Skills class is the only exception to this as it’s not a high intensity class.
All coaches will now be taking class attendance at the start of classes. If you are not registered for the class you will be asked to leave if the class is full. Class sizes are limited due to available space and safety. All members failing to register will instantly receive a 50 burpee penalty at the start of class! NO EXCEPTIONS!
We all love TeamUp, and one of the best features of our new membership management system in the reporting. There is a neat little report that shows us the main “no-show” offenders. If you register for a class and cannot attend can you please unregister from the class 90minutes before it starts? Yes, there will be times when this is not possible, but please do your best. There are a number of members (we know who you are) who often take up spaces in the class and do not turn up. Social media and the Momentum Newsletter may contain traces of this report if these numbers stay as high as they are. Nobody wants to be named and shamed as a class hog!!
Due to the limited space available during peak class times and the increase in personal training session, we will also be cracking down on Open Gym use. Open Gym hours on the class schedule are the ONLY times available for self-training. NOBODY will be allowed to train solo outside of these times. You are welcome to do stretching, mobility and warm-up exercises before and after your class, but we simply don’t have the space for solo training outside of Open Gym sessions.
If you have any feedback on these changes please let us know. We are doing our best to make the gym available to as many members as possible.
Keep up the hard work and we look forward to another awesome year of training with all of you at Momentum Training.