CrossFit Hackney Skills: HeSPU – week 3
In week 2 we looked at midline stability, static shapes and some eccentric loading to improve position and strength. We also practice the HeSPU moement on the floor and against the wall.
Warm-up and Midline Stability for Handstands
7 min isometric holds (midline stability / Shapes) (taken from mentorship course at
– High Plank with toes pointed (also know as front support)
– Side Plank (left)
– Side Plank (right)
– Low Plank (increase difficulty with prone arch walk outs (taken from
– Cobra (superman)
– Reverse Plank
– Dish (hollow position)*
High band – Lat stretch – palm up
High and overhead external rotation stretch in front rack position
Low band – Tricep/Lat steretch in front rack position
More Static Shapes
Both movements taken from The Outlaw Way
Back Hold on Boxes 0:30 On/0:30 Off
Front Hold on Boxes 0:30 On/0:30 Off
Skills and Drills
Recap headstand (from week 1):
– Tripod headstand
– Tripod headstand lifting knees off elbows
– Tripod headstand straightening one leg (you must be able to see you toes)
– Tripod headstand – pike up
Recap – Kipping Floor Drill
– Headstand kip to press-up position
– Headstand kip past press-up
– Headstand kip to wall (as close as possible)
– 2×0:40 Nose and Toes Handstand Hold
When we kick up into a HeSPU we need to be thinking about active shoulders. A good drill to enforce this is:
Facing the wall Shoulder Shrugs, 3×15
Shoulder Shrugs from The Outlaw Way
Kipping efficiency suggestion?
Most athletes will kip by bringing the knees down towards the chest at the bottom of the kip. This can unbalance the athlete and pull them away from the wall. To counterbalance this they drive their hips back towards the wall. If you hip are touching the wall at the bottom of the kip you are setting yourself up to kip away from the wall and switching off your midline stability.
Would you take you elbows to your knees in the bottom of a front squat?
Its OK to bring your knees down in front, but only as low as you can maintain midline activation and touch your butt on the wall.
Knees to elbows Kipp
Frog Kip
Another suggestion is the frog kick – keeping your feet together bring your heels towards you butt and press your knees out to the side. This can help keep you in a more upright position as the weight stay more centered. The range of motion (ROM) is slightly less than brining the knees down in front and this allows for a faster turnover with kipping HeSPUs. As the ROM is less, the total drive created by the kip may not be as much. Each athlete will have his or her own preference on this and its simple an alternative way to try.
Eccentric Press-ups
3 x 4reps with 10sec eccentric (you do not need to press backup, simply lower yourself slowly for each rep
Eccentric HSPU
3 x 4reps with 10sec eccentric (use an ab-mat to cushion your landing)
Deficit Eccentric HeSPU 3 x 4reps 5sec eccentric (try kipping back up, if not come off the wall and then kick up again)
Remember: Strength is gained in the range of motion trainer. By performing deficit HSPU you will get stronger in the range of motion required for HSPUs.
Tabata Hollow Rocks 20:10 for 4:00min