CrossFit Hackney Weekly WOD’s 23/06/2014 – 29/06/2014
Monday 23/06/2014
Warm-up |
With an empty bar perform:3 Rounds of:
5 Jerk Grip Behind the Head Strict Press 5 Strict Press (front)5 Push-Press 5 Push-Jerk rest as needed between rounds |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | 5 Rounds of:A-1 Push-Jerk 5,4,3,3,2,2reps, rest :60sec
A-2 10x Lateral over the box jumps (mid shine height), rest :90sec
* this should take no longer than 20minutes |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | EMOM perform for 10min:even minute:
A-1 3 Push Press,+3 Push-Jerk odd minute: A-2 10 Lateral over the box jumps |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | Every :60sec for 10min:1 Strict Pull-ups
4 Kipping Pull-ups 6 TTB |
CrossFit | Either CFA Capacity:-OR-
5 TTB/K2E/Hanging Knee Raise/V-ups 10 Ring Rows |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | For time:40 Ring Dips
40 Walking Lunges 30 Ring Dips 30 Split Jumps 20 Ring Dips 20 Air Squats 10 Ring Dips 10 Burpees |
CrossFit | [Scale: Ring Dips, Dips on Boxes, Press-ups, Incline Press-ups] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Perform half the reps] |
Tuesday 24/06/2014
Warm-up |
Perform 2 Rounds of:20 Walking Lunges
10 Air Squats -then- Stretch hips (coaches choice) |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then-In partners perform 3 Rounds of:
A. 4x Back Squats @ 60%, 65%, 70% -then- 5 Rounds of: B. 5x Back Squat @ 75-85% 1RM , 40×0 rest :60-:90secs * this should take no longer than 25minutes |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | -then-In partners perform 3 Rounds of: A. 10 Back Squats with empty ba r-then- B. 10 Back Squats, 40×0 rest :60-90secs |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then-running drills (coaches choice)
-then- 4 x 400m Sprints on the 4:00 |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Wednesday 25/06/2014
Warm-up |
With and Empty Bar5 Rack Delivery
5 Front Squats 5 Tall Muscle Cleans 5 Scarecrow Cleans 5 Tall Cleans 5 Mid-Hang Cleans 5 Halting Deadlifts 5 Segmented Cleans 5min to warm-up for WOD 1. Teach Rookies MB Cleans |
WOD 1 | |
CrossFit Athlete | GraceClean & Jerk 30 reps for time 62.5/42.5kg |
CrossFit | [Scale: Clean n Jerk 50/35kg] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | MUST DO MB-CLEANS and MB Overhead Press |
WOD 2 | |
CrossFit Athlete | Angie (25min time cap)100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Squats |
CrossFit | [Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Perform 60reps of each] |
Thursday 26/06/2014
Warm-up |
With and Empty bar or stick perform 5 rounds of the sequence:1 Hang Power Clean
1 Front Squat 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Push-Press 1 Push-Jerk 1 Split Jerk |
Olympic Lifting | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then- Set a running clock for 6min For the first 3min perform EMOM: A. 3x Mid-Hang Power Clean-then-For the remaining 3min perform EMOM:B. 1x Halting Deadlift (2sec pause hip),+ 2x Mid-Hang Squat Clean -then- 15min to complete: 5-6 Sets of: C. 2x Squat Clean (go heavy) Note: If you have poor squat clean tekkers, perform 1 power clean and then 1 front squats. Improving your front squat will improve your squat clean |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | 5 Rounds of: C. 2 x (1 Power Clean +1 Front Squat) |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then- Every :60sec for 10min complete the complex:1 Squat Clean from floor, +1 Push-Jerk, +1 Split Jerk |
CrossFit | Either complete CFA complex-OR-
Every :60sec for 10min complete complexs: 1 Hang Power Clean +1 Front Squat +1 Push-Press |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 21 Deadlifts 110/75kg42 DU
15 Deadlifts 30DU 9 Deadlifts 18 DU |
CrossFit | [Scale: Deadlift 90/55kg][Scale: 3 x singles = 1 DU] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Deadlift to comfortable weight] |
Friday 27/06/2014
Warm-up |
Working in partners you will need a stick and a reebok step/bench Perform3 Rounds of: 8rep Partner resisted bench press eccentric and concentric resistance, focus on the shoulder position and smooth movement |
Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then- 5 Rounds of: A-1 Close Grip Incline Bench Press 4-5reps, 30×0, rest :60-90sec A-2 Supported 1-Arm DB/KB Row 6-8reps, 30×0, rest :60-90sec* this should take no longer than 20minutes |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | -then- 10min to establish 2RM Shoulder Width Grip Pull-up (weighted), 40×0, rest :60-90sec |
CrossFit Rookie | -then-4 Rounds of:
A-1 Close Grip Flat Bench Press 8-10reps, 40×0, rest :60-90sec A-2 Supported 1-Arm DB/KB Row 8-12reps, 30×0, rest :60-90sec * this should take no longer than 20minutes |
Capacity | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then- Working in partners 4 rounds (8min) of 30/30:B-1 Ring Push-ups B-2 Chin-ups |
CrossFit | [Scale: Chin-up, use bands for assistance] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | 25-20-15-10-5 reps of:TTB
KBS 32/20kg |
CrossFit | [Scale: KBS 24/16kg][Scale: TTB, K2E, Hanging Knee Raises, V-ups] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: KBS to comfortable weight] |
Saturday 28/06/2014
Warm-up |
Midline Activation/Stability8min of isometric holds: :60sec hold in each position:- high plank – left side plank [scale on elbow] – right side plank [scale on elbow] – low plank – reverse plank – cobra (superman) – dish – bottom of squat [increase difficulty with hands in OHS position] |
Gymnastics | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then-2 Rounds of:
Forward Rolls (is the easiest and safest way to exit a handstand that falls forward) Forward Rolls to Pistol (left) Forward Rolls to Pistol (right) Handstand to Forward Roll -then- Kipping Handstand Tekkers on the floor: Headstand (lift knees off elbows) Headstand Kick out to Push-up position – the hips must open before you press with the arms Headstand Kick out past push-up position |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Gymnastics | |
CrossFit Athlete | -then-3 rounds of 40/20 (12:00min)
– Pike to Headstand – Pike Holds on Floor, hands on floor lift feet in the air with pointed toes* – Wall Facing Handstand Holds (nose and toes against the wall) – Hanging L-Seat 15:10:15sec * If you struggle to lift your feet you will need to sit on a weight plate to gain height |
CrossFit | [Scale: Headstands, Wall for support, limit ROM, hold static headstand, hold plank][Scale: Hanging L-Seat, Bent Legs,] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | AMRAP in 15 mins Partner WOD:5 HeSPU
7 Wall Balls 9/5kg 10/9′ 9 Box Jumps 24/20′ Take it in turns to complete rounds |
CrossFit | [Scale: HeSPU, Persian Press-ups, Press-ups, Incline Press-ups] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Wall Balls to comfortable weight and height] [Scale: Box Jumps to comfortable Height] |
Sunday 29/06/2014
Warm-up |
Geoff Speacial |
CrossFit Volume (recovery day) | |
All Athlete | ‘Warm up / mobilityAll workout done in a YGIG format:A1 wall squats 2x5A2 goblet squats 2x10A3 air squats 2x20BB to warm up for complex.
(8mins)Man maker complex working with partner 3 reps each YGIG format 12min work B1 Press-up B2 Power Clean B3 Front Squat B4 Push press One round counts as one rep
Rookie scaled:
B1 Press-up B2 Wall ball Clean B3 Wall ball Front Squat B4 Wall ball
Rest 5 min
AMRAP 8min YGIG 30/30
Step-up ( power) Burpee Pull-ups DB Farmers Carry