CrossFit Hackney Weekly WOD’s 07/07/2014 – 13/07/2014
The coming 12 weeks of CrossFit Hackney programming will require all “CrossFit Athletes” to know and record their weights. The program is designed to improve the athletes strength by specifically focusing on percentages. “TESTING DAYS” will appear in the program each month. These are a chance for athletes to monitor progress and set new personal records. The month will have the following structure:
Day | Focus |
Monday | Snatch Focus |
Tuesday | Power Clean and Jerk |
Wednesday | Gymnastics midline stability and handstand work |
Thursday | Weeks 1-5: Improve your Front Squat |
Friday | Beach muscle Friday and Cindy Capacity (WOM) |
Saturday | CFA = Power Snatch and CleansAll other Athletes = Deadlift and Cleans |
Sunday | Gymnastics Ring work |
The aim of the next 12 weeks is:
Olympic Lifting:
This is a 12-week, 3-mesocyle training cycle(3 days of lifting per week). The first two 4-week blocks are fairly high volume phases, and the final 4-week will be an intensity increase towards 1RM Snatch, Clean and Jerk.
General “CrossFit,” “CrossFit Endurance,” and “CrossFit Rookies” will contiune to practice the movements with the aim of seeing improvements over the next 12 weeks. These athletes will also work on improving deadlift strength.
The first 5 weeks will work towards a 1RM Front Squat for the “CrossFit Athletes”. The next 7 weeks will build to a 1RM Back squat attempt. Again these athletes need to know/record their weights over the weeks to come if they want to maximise the results.
General “CrossFit” and “CrossFit Endurance” will work towards a 3RM front squat followed by a 3RM back squat attempt. The CrossFit Rookies will continue to focus on learning the movements and building a soild base of strength over the 12 weeks.
Pushing strength:
Overhead pressing, press-ups and gymnastic HeSPU will be also be a major focus. Shoulder position and stability will be emphasised during these phases.
Midline control, handstand and ring work for 8 weeks. Doing the basics well (push-ups, pull-ups, and air squats) will improve all aspects of health, fitness and performance.
Monday 07/07/2014
Warm-up (12min) |
‘Athletes use empty bar, Rookies use stick:
10 OHS – pinching top of shoulder blades together 5 Drop snatches – feet from driving position to reciving position 5 Scare crow snatch – elbows up and out, dropping under the bar 5 Mid-hang snatch – linking it all together |
Strength (20min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | A. Snatch 6sets:60% x3,65%x3,70%x3 x4
* this should take no longer than 20min |
CrossFit | Either perform:A. Snatch 6 x3
-OR- A. Mid-hang Snatch 6 x3 |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | A. Mid-Hang Power Snatch + OHS (2+1) x6 |
Capacity (12min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | Work in Partners:12min EMOM
Even minute: 6 Back Squat 30×0 @70% Odd minute: 10 Russian KBS (heavy) |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Back Squat to comfortable weight] |
WOD (12min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | EMOM for 12mins or until failure, then it becomes 12 min AMRAP:5 Front Squats 60/40kg
5 Push Press 60/40kg 5 Push Ups
* bar starts on the floor |
CrossFit | [Scale: Bar 50/30kg][Scale: Push-up, Incline Push-up] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Bar to comfortable weight] |
Tuesday 08/07/2014
Warm-up (12min) |
All athletes us an empty bar:
5 Front Squats 5 Tall muscle clean – upperbody movement of the bar 5 Scare crow clean – elbows up and out with quick drop under the bar 5 Mid-hang power clean – speed through the middle
5 Strict press from behind the neck – reciving position of the jerk 5 Push-Press form front 5 Power Jerk – dip, drive and land |
Strength (20min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | A. Power Clean 5sets:70%x3B. Power Jerk (from rack) 5sets:55-60%x3
* this should take no longer than 20min |
CrossFit | A. Mid-hang Power Clean 5 x3 (medium weight)
B. Push-Press (from rack) 5 x3 (medium weight) |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Capacity (10min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | 4 Rounds of (10min)::60sec DU:
30sec rest :30sec Front Squats @ 60/40kg :30sec rest |
CrossFit | [Scale: Front Squats 50/40kg]
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Front Squat to comfortable weight][Scale: Single unders] |
WOD (15min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | AMRAP 15min FGB style (running clock – :60sec each station)
3 Rounds Row for cals KBS 24/16kg Burpees Thruster 20/15kg Rest |
CrossFit | [Scale: KBS 20/12kg] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: KBS to comfortable weight and height] |
Wednesday 09/07/2014
Warm-up (10min) |
Midline Stability/Activation
8min of dynamic midline stability positions: :60sec each – High Plank, Alternate between lifting right hand, left hand,right foot, left foot off the ground – Left side plank, pull right knee to chest – Right side plank, pull left knee to chest – Hollow Hold on Hands, or low plank – Rocking Cobra (supernman) – Reverse Plank, Alternate leg lifts – Hollow Rocks – Bottom of overhead squat
Can you perform a strict HeSPU? |
Strength (15min) | |
A-1 HeSPU negatives 4x 2-4, 60×0, :60 (either kip up or reset and kick up) note: on the last set do ME kipping HeSPU after completing negatives
A-2 Pull-up negatives (weighted) 4x 2-3 10,0,0,0 :60 * this should take no longer than 15min |
CrossFit | A-1 [Scale: Push-Press negatives, 4×3,60×0, :60sec (go heavy with good form)
note: on the last set do ME Push-Press after performing negatives A-2 [Scale: Use a band to control eccentric lowering, jump up] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | A-1 [Scale: Push-up negatives, 4×5, 60×0, :60 (maintain midline)
note: on the last set ME: Push-ups after performing negatives A-2 [Scale: Use a band to control eccentric lowering, jump up] |
Gymnastics Conditioning (12min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | :40/:20 (4rounds, 12min)B-1 Seal walks – maintain hollow position B-2 Unsupported bilateral trap 3 raise (use 1.25/2.5kg weights) C-1 Inch worm, pause in the hollow shape C-2 Headstand kick to press-up or beyond (on the floor) Half the class do B’s while the other half do C’s. Then switch |
CrossFit | [Scale: Trap 3 raise with no weight][Inch worm, less ROM][Headstand, shift from head to feet] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD (20min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | 4min ME: HeSPUrest:60sec-then-4min ME: TTBrest :60sec
-then- 4min ME: Burpees rest: 60sec -then- 4min ME: V-ups rest :60sec * Start on any station and work through each one. |
CrossFit | [Scale: HeSPU, Persian Press-ups, Press-ups, Incline Press-ups][Scale: TTB, K2E, Hanging knee raises][Scale: V-up, Dbl-crunch] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Thursday 10/07/2014
Warm-up (15min) |
10 Squats with hands on hips10 Squats with hands on head
10 Squats with hands overhead
Front Rack Shoulder Mobility Warm-up Front Squat (2-3 sets increasing weight towards target weight for working sets) |
Strength (15min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | wk1 of 5: Improve your Front Squat
A. Front Squat 5×3 20×0 @ 75% * this should take no longer than 15min |
CrossFit | A. Front Squat 5×5 (medium weight) |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | ‘A. Front Squat 5×5 (comfortable weight) |
Strength (15min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | B-1 RDL 3x 6-8, 30×0, :60sec
B-2 Single Leg Calf Raises 3x 10-12, 21×0, :60sec
* this should take no longer than 15min |
CrossFit | B-1: RDL 3x 8-10, 30×0, :60secB-2 .. |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | B-1 KB RDL 3x 12-15, :60secB-2 .. |
WOD (12min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | Buy In: 30 Press-ups
21-15-9 of: Back Squats 60/40kg* Over the bar Burpees Cash Out: 30 Press-ups
* Bar starts on the floor |
CrossFit | [Scale: Bar weight 50/30kg] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: Use comfortable weight] |
Friday 11/07/2014
Warm-up (10min) |
Push-Up 6 Complex:Perform
5 Cubit width push-ups between each of the following (60push-ups total) 5 Wide Hands 5 Dymond 5 Reverse Hands 5 L-Hand Reverse, Right Hand Forward 5 R-Hand Reverse, Left Hand Forward 5 Forward Reaching, Elbow Push-ups |
Strength (20min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | A. Flat DB Bench 5x 6-8, 40×0, :60sec
B. BB Standing Curls 5x 6-8, 40×0, :60sec * this should take no longer than 20min |
CrossFit | |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | A. Flat DB Bench 4x 10-12, 40×0, :60sec
B. BB Standing Curls 4×10-12, 40×0, :60sec |
Capacity (12min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | Cindy Capacity 1:Set the clock to 12min:Can you do 1 round of Cindy EMOM?
5 Pull-ups 10 Press-ups 15 Air Squats
Note: Next week we will challenge this more! |
CrossFit | Note: You are NOT allowed to change the movement mid-workout. Choose the scale that you can maintain for the duration.
[Scale: Pull-ups, Ring Rows] [Scale: Push-ups, Incline Push-ups] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD (10min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | 10min AMRAP:10 KBS 24/16kg5 KB Clean & Press Press (left) 24/16kg5 KB Clean & Press Press (right) 24/16kg |
CrossFit | [Scale: KB 20/12kg] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | [Scale: KB to comfortable weight] |
Saturday 12/07/2014
Warm-up |
CFA = warm-up for snatchAll other Athletes:2 Rounds of:
5 Front Squats, hold bottom of las rep for :10sec 5 Tall clean – speed under the bar 5 Mid-hang clean – speed through the middle & reciving the bar in the bottom of the squat Go over Deadlift Tekkers |
Strength (30min) | |
A.Tall Muscle Snatch 3×3 (keep the bar light), :60-:90sec
B. Power Snatch 3 x3 @70%, :60-:90sec
C. Clean 8sets, :60-:90sec: 65%x3, 70%x3 x2, 75%x2 x3, 80% x1 x2
* this should take no longer than 30min |
CrossFit | A. Deadlift 5 x5-6, 40×0, :75sec
B. Mid-Hang Clean 8 x3, :60-:90sec |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | A. Deadlift 4x 8-10, 40×0, :75sec
B. Mid-Hang Power Clean + Front Squat (1+1)x3 x6-8sets |
WOD (10min) | |
CrossFit Athlete | Games WOD 14.1
10min AMRAP: 30 DU 15 Snatches 35/25kg |
CrossFit | Either 14.1-OR-
10min AMRAP 30 DU [Scale: 3 singles =1 DU] 15 MB Cleans 9/7kg |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie | MUST DO MB Clean WOD |
Sunday 13/07/2014
Warm-up |
High Plank with Toes pointed :60secPush-up Tekkers:- keep forarms vertical, shoulder over wrists
– forward and down – backwards and up – maintain midline
Muscle-Up Step 1 – The False Grip: 1x ME: Hang from bar with false grip |
Gymnastics Strength | |
CrossFit Athlete | Set a running clock to 16minutes. Half the class works on “A.”, while half the class start on “B.”Gymnastics Ring work:8min EMOM
A. Ring pull-ups with false grip, turning hands out at the bottom 6-8reps, 31×0 (:40sec each set) note: try to hold a false grip throught the reps. The goal is to pull your ribcage to the rings and to keep your feet infront of the rings
8min EMOM B. Ring Press-ups with external rotation 6-8reps, 31×0
note: The straps need to be vertical and we need to get to a deep press-up position. The goal is to have elbows stacked on top of your wrists and have your shoulders in front of the rings. |
CrossFit | [Scale: Pull-ups to Ring Rows with false grip][Scale: Ring push-up, increase height of rings and keep the straps vertical] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
Gymnastics Conditioning | |
CrossFit Athlete | 3 Rounds of 30/30 (12minutes)C-1 – Rolling Arch to Hollow C-2 Dymond Press-ups, Chest to hands C-3 Skin the Cat on Rings, Feet come back to the ground* L1: Knees bent L2: Single Leg Straight L3: Pike Position, Keep legs straight * As you get stronger and more mobile in your shoulders you can increase the height of the rings |
CrossFit | [Scale: Press-ups, Incline press-ups][Scale: Skin the Cat, lower rings and less extension in the shoulders]
[Scale: L-Sit (one leg at a time until you can do both)] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |
WOD | |
CrossFit Athlete | For time:50 Wall Balls 9/7kg 10/9′
50 Candle Stick Rolls 50 Toes-to-Ring 50 Walking Lunges |
CrossFit | [Scale: Candle Stick Rolls, Ab-mat Sit-ups][Scale: TTR, Hanging Knee Raises, V-ups, Dbl-Crunch]
[Scale: Wall Balls to comfortable weight and height] |
CrossFit Endurance | |
CrossFit Rookie |