Come to think we are encroaching on one year. This Phase 10 will be about the volume again. There has been some massive gains from the guys attending Barbell Club.
If we are looking to make further improvements we should be looking at nutrient timing around the workouts. These should be aimed at prepping for the workout but also recovering from it below are 2 important nutrients that if your not supplementing with you should definitely think about to improve your GRAINZ.
BCAA – I would look at taking as a base line of 5-10 grams 20-30 minutes before the workouts and this again post workout. BCAA are amino acids that our muscles use as fuel. We have 20 different amino acids with BCAA’s being the primary source of energy for our muscles in a workout. If you are looking for less soreness and the ability to recover quicker BCAA’s are your friends.
Beta Alanine – Beta alanine and creatine are often taken together as they both improve anaerobic performance ( dealing with lactic flushing). These can work best on a loading cycle as Beta Alanine is a non essential amino acid that we can build stores within our body.
Dosing of 3 g/day for 4 weeks, followed by 1.6 g/day for 4 weeks has been shown to improve carnosine levels in the muscle and anaerobic performance more than a 1.6 g/day dose for 8 weeks.
Now to get stuck in to the program